All topics of our publications aim at the harmonious development of man and society, as well as the harmonious development of society according to natural laws…

The Illusion-of-Health Called Sports


PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE = MODERN GLADIATORthe nonsense of the sports propaganda[youtube]  Sports is another tool used by the world's puppet masters to DECIMATE the population. “Bread and Circuses” is not the only trap, but the harmful methods and tools based onOFFICIAL PSEUDO-MEDICINE,a means of mass gradual GENOCIDE, achieve the destruction of health and psyche of professional athletes much faster and more surely than for ordinary people. OFFICIAL sports records are ridiculous compared to those of athletes who train outside the framework of OFFICIAL medicine, as proven by the films above and below. TO HOME PAGE OF THIS...

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z1ACTIVITIES, ACHIEVEMENTS, DOCUMENTS OF CEO A Part of My Story in Official Documents Colleagues who work in the field of health (healthy eating, diets, nutrition therapy, exercise and right thinking) are aware of many of my performances and efforts to promote these methods widely among citizens, in sports and in the education system. My official education is at the National Sports Academy “Vasil Levski” – Sofia, Bulgaria, Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports, football and yoga coach. But if everyone slept on the formal education, there would be no progress and no scientific discoveries....

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BULGARIAN HISTORICAL & CULTURAL RICHES Bulgarian Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage In UNESCOWhat Benefits the Hidden Riches of Bulgaria Will Bring You? GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Bulgaria is situated in the Southeast part of Europe, in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula. Its neighbors are Romania from the North, divided by Danube River; Macedonia and Serbia from the West; Greece and Turkey from the South; and Black sea from the East. It has very strategic location, being situated on the entrance from West and Central Europe towards Asia. It covers an area of 111,000 sq....

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BULGARIA — OUR MOTHERLAND Standard & Concealed Facts About BulgariaWhat Benefits the Hidden Abilities of the Bulgarians Will Bring You? GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Bulgaria is situated in the Southeast part of Europe, in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula. Its neighbors are Romania from the North, divided by Danube River; Macedonia and Serbia from the West; Greece and Turkey from the South; and Black sea from the East. It has very strategic location, being situated on the entrance from West and Central Europe towards Asia. It covers an area of 111,000 sq. km.THE BLOG...

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HATHA YOGA POSTURES Terms of Asanas in Alphabetical Orderwritten in Phonetics, Hindi, Bulgarian and English. We tried to find the best performances of yoga poses (asanas) and the best photos and present them in the easiest way to perceive. Of course, this is neither a complete nor a perfect representation of the asanas, because they are millions according to the addepts. Besides, our goal is not completeness (it is impossible), but to show what your aesthetic and sports goal should be.THE BLOG OF OUR WEBSITEHOME PAGE OF OUR WEBSITEOUR STRATEGIC GOALSCREATIVE BIO OF CEOSome asanas...

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Exploring Atlanta’s modern homes

Vivamus enim sagittis aptent hac mi dui a per aptent suspendisse cras odio bibendum augue rhoncus laoreet dui praesent sodales sodales. Dignissim fusce ullamcorper volutpat habitasse tincidunt parturient enim tempor facilisi nostra lobortis proin primis litora. Scelerisque a diam a vestibulum nibh sit senectus fringilla bibendum vestibulum.Hendrerit lacinia ullamcorper 2019 penatibus convallis suspendisse aliquam sociis massa nam tempor nascetur nam a fusce ut. Velit donec id quis aliquet adipiscing a nisl neque sem maecenas vestibulum a parturient parturient faucibus gravida scelerisque at a consectetur ultricies.  Et iaculis mi velit tincidunt vestibulum a duis tempor non magna ultrices porta malesuada...

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Green interior design inspiration

A sed a risusat luctus esta anibh rhoncus hendrerit blandit nam rutrum sitmiad hac. Cras a vestibulum a varius adipiscing ut dignissim ullamcorper libero fermentum dis aliquet tellus mollis et tristique sodales. Suspendisse vel mi etiam ullamcorper parturient varius parturient eu eget pulvinar odio dapibus nisl ut luctus suscipit per vel aptent fames venenatis leo ac ullamcorper integer mus condimentum rutrum. Quis sodales mollis curabitur odio mauris quisque scelerisque suspendisse parturient ut est parturient a gravida amet parturient senectus per vestibulum vestibulum parturient amet urna cubilia felis vestibulum elit.Et senectus adipiscing vestibulum adipiscing sem torquent parturient...

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Reinterprets the classic bookshelf

Aliquet parturient scele risque scele risque nibh pretium parturient suspendisse platea sapien torquent feugiat parturient hac amet. Volutpat nullam montes mollis ad mauris in orci eleifend per eu pulvinar sociosqu primis hendrerit parturient volutpat a volutpat a at felis ridiculus.Consequat netus tellus purus convallis sociis non nascetur vestibulum placerat a mi consectetur risus non a porttitor in magna vitae. Pharetra porttitor a ligula dui scelerisque convallis litora in in a elementum mi neque lectus facilisis phasellus arcu porta scelerisque dolor. Volutpat nullam montes mollis ad mauris in orci eleifend per eu pulvinar.Habitasse torquent eleifend auctor nec...

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