We have world-class scientific discoveries in the field of human development (sports, ancient medicine, environmentally friendly life, yoga, martial arts, development of: artistic and creative abilities, logical abilities, mental and spiritual abilities). Without the all-round development of the individual, a new humane society is not possible.

The Illusion-of-Health Called Sports


PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE = MODERN GLADIATORthe nonsense of the sports propaganda[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2WjPU7_QRw?autoplay=1]  Sports is another tool used by the world's puppet masters to DECIMATE the population. “Bread and Circuses” is not the only trap, but the harmful methods and tools based onOFFICIAL PSEUDO-MEDICINE,a means of mass gradual GENOCIDE, achieve the destruction of health and psyche of professional athletes much faster and more surely than for ordinary people. OFFICIAL sports records are ridiculous compared to those of athletes who train outside the framework of OFFICIAL medicine, as proven by the films above and below. TO HOME PAGE OF THIS...

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HATHA YOGA POSTURES Terms of Asanas in Alphabetical Orderwritten in Phonetics, Hindi, Bulgarian and English. We tried to find the best performances of yoga poses (asanas) and the best photos and present them in the easiest way to perceive. Of course, this is neither a complete nor a perfect representation of the asanas, because they are millions according to the addepts. Besides, our goal is not completeness (it is impossible), but to show what your aesthetic and sports goal should be.THE BLOG OF OUR WEBSITEHOME PAGE OF OUR WEBSITEOUR STRATEGIC GOALSCREATIVE BIO OF CEOSome asanas...

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