that Solve the Problems of Health, Medicine, Sports, Society, etc.
Without understanding the essence of Spirit and Soul, it is not possible to live normally, i.e. without diseases and without sports injuries. Spirit and Soul are completely material objects about the size aproximately of the proton and are not charged with gravitational energy. That's why they are undetectable to devices...
The conditioned and/or (now) unconditioned reflex of ordinary people immediately directs their understanding to any religion as soon as we say the words “spirit”, “soul”, “God”, “energy body” and their derivatives. This is because until that moment there was not a single science with scientific evidence for the essence of these concepts. They were used speculatively and unceremoniously only by the religions that had a monopoly on their interpretation and imposed only sensations and emotions on the people without understanding them. Sensations and emotions do not need understanding – they are not conscious processes, but subconscious. Therefore, ordinary people are easily deceived by half-truths, i.e. with half-lies.
Table of Contents of This Page
1. Introduction
2. The Target Audience of this product.
3. Origin and Development of Life. Knowledge without which it is not possible to understand ourselves and society. If we do not understand ourselves, we will not manage ourselves and our goals correctly, we will not be healthy, we will not act rightly and justly, etc.
4. Who and How Could Understand this product of ours?
5. Sources of Our Research.
6. Differences Between Our New Science and Official (Formal) “Science”.
7. Table of Contents of My Dissertation.
8. What Will You Receive along with My Dissertation?
9. Choose Payment Options.
The Hierarchy between the “Gods”:
1. Earth (planets).
2. Sun (stars).
3. The Milky Way (galaxies).
4. “Universe” (wrong concept of what we see...).
5. The Beyond (it contains 1022 “universes” like ours...).
6. ...and so on...
When science reaches a very important and true result, it becomes very easily understood by the general public...
Fortunately, for the first time in the world, our Bulgarian science explained and proved the concepts of “spirit”, “soul”, “God”, “energy body” and even more importantly – their interactions and functions for the development of life.
At first, for me, these scientific discoveries were helpful in the understanding (not only to believe in doctors) how to heal myself from life-threatening illnesses and mishaps in my life. Before that, I was an athlete and a football player with great successes, but also with great failures – I allowed excessive workloads, sleeplessness and wrong distribution of my efforts.
Read more about the Hierarchy between the “Gods” below:
It is not possible to understand how the body works, and therefore it is not possible to create a Natural (Normal) Plan for sports and health, without understanding how our organism and the cosmos are connected and how they consciously communicate with each other, but they cannot do so because of the ignorance and criminal desires, goals and actions of the ruling “elite”.
The Ascending Hierarchy between the “Gods” (The Hierarchy between the first 5 Central Gravitational Masses around which life revolves and develops.) In our science, the two concepts “God” and “Central Gravitational Mass” are synonyms:
1. Earth (or any Mother-Planet on which life originates and develops).
2. Sun (or any Star-Father), who begets and radiates life.
The Sun (or any star) “fertilizes” the Earth (or any planet) around it with life.
3. The Central Gravitational Masses of the galaxies around which the Sun (stars) and their planets revolve.
4. The Central Gravitational Mass of the World (the World is still wrongly called “Universe”), around which all galaxies, stars and planets revolve.
When a science reaches a very important and true result, it becomes very easily understood by the general public...
Our world, which we still mistakenly call the “Universe”, rotates around its central gravitational mass with an angular velocity that official scientists call Hubble's Constant... Official scientists don't understand that Hubble's Constant expresses angular speed because they think that the so-called “Universe” is infinite. Our Bulgarian science determined the size of the (alleged) “Universe” – 1028 cm (about 100 billion light years)...
I.e. The “Universe” is limited, i.e. if something is limited, it is not infinite.
5. The Central Gravitational Mass around which revolves Our World, which we still mistakenly call “Universe”. I.e. the “Universe” revolves in another space, beyond our space. I.e. it is the Beyond that contains 1022 “universes” like our own that revolve around some Central Gravitational Mass of the Beyond.
Now you understand why calling Our World “Universe” is a misunderstanding. Moreover, the “Space” in which Our World revolves also revolves around a next-hierarchical Central Gravitational Mass, or according to another term – the next space revolves around another, next-hierarchical “God”. And so on.
All this is shown schematically in my Dissertation so that you will understand it clearly from the first time.
You will see with your own eyes how our organism composed of billions of living organisms called “cells” communicate with each other and all the cells as a whole and our “I” communicate with the different types of central gravitational masses, i.e. with the various kinds of “gods”, by means of our souls and spirits, which we call functional and basic quanta of life respectively. Moreover, we have determined with which ranges of high-frequency (superluminal) energies our structures connect with the corresponding cosmic structures and how our structures fulfill the cosmic laws.
Unlike all other sports and health guides that offer ready-made recipes that you only have to memorize without understanding, in My Dissertation I provide proofs (and mathematical) from which you will understand, realize and creatively apply what I have learned. And most importantly, you will sift through the original and valuable sports and health guides at a glance, without the need to blindly believe in authorities and without the need to buy and read dozens and hundreds of guides before finding the best.
Therefore, these discoveries reignited my quest to not only become a world-class athlete, but also to help other athletes to be so successful. But also I to be a factor in the revolutionary development of Sports Science, which turned out to be up to 95% wrong because of its foundation called “Official Medicine”.
Sports is now, above all, a business, which in the conditions of capitalism as it is now inevitably embraces all the vices of capitalism. I.e. now sport is the antithesis of health, it is only for profit, which destroys the health of athletes – it drains their strength too early, after which almost all former athletes have tragic problems with health, psyche and ... morale.
I.e. through our findings, sport can now become an instrument of health, despite its competitive nature. Because we know that now the sport is officially divided into two:
1. Competitive sport;
2. Sports for health.
I.e. competitive sport is not for health...
Learn about our scientific discoveries that turn sports into a tool for health, whether you are a recreational athlete (amateur), a top competitor, or just doing sports for health.
Learn how we can
together with you!
(Slight digression: the word “revolution” is now politically charged with a negative meaning – social disorder, destruction and death of people. The real meaning of the word “revolution” is “Return to normal development”, “Accelerated progress” and “Achievement of happiness”!)
Sports can be useful for health, but not according to the rules of the official (formal) “medicine”...
This product of ours is on the theme of “Sports”, but since sports is a constituent part of the universal concept caled “Yoga” and Yoga is an Universal Methodology for solving problems of all kinds, you will inevitably get more facts, knowledge and research from this product of ours for Yoga, for nutrition according to Yoga, for the Origin and Development of Life and Cosmos, than for sports. I.e. completing the Dissertation, I realized that I was only using sports as an occasion to explore something more useful and greater than sports.
These research of ours have made Sports Science extremely cutting edge and extremely useful. Without this research, the problems of medicine (and sports) will never be solved. That is, we claim that
by our Bulgarian science forever!
It is not that other sciences over the centuries have not solved them, but rather because such ancient sciences have always been purposefully ignored and destroyed by official authorities in order to enslave the population. Therefore, our research can prove and develop medicine and sports to perfection, even without us knowing a single sentence from the ancient sciences of health, space, and happiness..
Most readers will be troubled by the title “Dissertation”, thinking that it is something incomprehensible, that science is something beyond the reach of the average person, but this is not the case. As far as a discovery is more fundamental, i.e., more useful and greater, the more simple and even more elementary it is to understand than the deliberately complicated, vague, and incomprehensible academic studies.
In this dissertation, I will argue that the most important scientific discoveries are those that are simple and easy to understand. I will also discuss the implications of this claim for the way we teach science. I will argue that we should focus on teaching students the basic principles of science, rather than overwhelming them with complex and confusing details. By doing so, we can help students to develop a deeper understanding of science and its role in the world. We can also help them to appreciate the beauty and simplicity of the natural world..
My live lectures in kindergartens, schools, higher education institutions, work collectives, sports teams, electronic media, etc., showed that they best understand theory and practice 15-year-old children and a little older (I have not interacted with younger children). This is because children's bodies are still clean, still uncontaminated by harmful food, and drink and by negative (illogical) thinking. And so the brains of such clean creatures work better than those of adults who are so congested. I wonder why such people don't still crash into the walls of buildings, roadside trees, poles, or pillars out of disorientation...
Spirit and Soul are defined as the immaterial essence of a person. However, there is evidence that they have physical properties. For example, some studies have shown that people who have had near-death experiences often report feeling a sense of peace and love that is beyond anything they have ever experienced before.
These experiences prove that spirit and soul are not figments of our imagination. They are real, physical objects that play an important role in our health and well-being. Official science has been missing out on a great deal by ignoring the study of spirit and soul. By opening our minds to these concepts, we will unlock new secrets about the human mind and body.
Official (formal) “science” is in no rush to see, understand, prove, and use the properties of spirit and soul to regulate our health, as well as the communication between us and the Central Gravitational Mass (called “God” by religions). The central gravitational mass (God for the corresponding hierarchical level) contains Three Main Hierarchical Levels:
Life of First Kind: Stelar Life (our life)

1. Stellar Central Gravitational Mass, around which the planets revolve. It is not for nothing that many peoples worship the Sun (the Star) as God. Which is deserved because LIFE ARISES from the Sun (the Star) from the inside out. Life arises around every star. Life around any star is of the lowest kind—“Stellar Life”—that cannot leave its habitat (the planetary and star system). This type of life (on Earth) is now designated by the name “Homo Sapiens”.
Now Humanity is still in its infancy (even baby age) called “Homo Sapiens” but among all the billions of people on Earth there already exist the “preparatory” kind of people who will evolve as a New Biological Species that will be more perfect (superior) than Homo Sapiens with fantastic abilities according to current ideas...
Here, I am merely recounting in words the physico-mathematical results of our research on the origin and development of life and how this should be applied specifically to sports and medicine. The application of these discoveries in other areas of life are described in our other scientific works.
Life of Second Kind: Galactic Life (Homo Galacticus)
(about 2033 will start to separate from our life)

2. Galactic Central Gravitational Mass around which Life forms from the Second, higher than Star Lif—Galactic Life. It is a union of many lives from many stars, passed into a higher stage of development. It is a totality of sufficiently developed life living within the confines of galactic systems in periphery of galaxies and growing into a United Galactic Life called Homo Galacticus. Its permanent state is in the conditions of superlight and supercritical velocities.
When Life from the Second Species (Homo Galacticus) reaches its final stage of natural development, following the natural development of the galactic spiral to its extreme periphery (i.e. when the life of the galaxy itself reaches maturity and begins its decline (contraction, destruction), then the life of the Second Kind leaves the galaxy as its permanent “habitat” and begins a process of union with all such life forms from other galaxies from the all World Sphere...
When the process of union of live forms throughout the World Sphere is complete, and when the process of shrinking the World Sphere begins (as if it were falling asleep), then life of the third kind leaves the World Sphere forever, as shown in the diagram below. These are the embryos (or germs) of new life, outside the World Sphere, which in the greater space is equivalent (or similar) to the stars we observe now.
Life of Third Kind: World Life (Homo Spiritus)
(when the diameter of the World Sphere reaches 1036 cm)
3. The World Central Gravitational Mass around which life from many galaxies within the confines of what we still call the “Universe” coalesce. But since still the so-called “Universe” is a sphere with a finite size of 1028 cm (only about 100 billion light years), the name “Universe” is not appropriate because it is not everything, not universal (UNIVERSE), but a partial and super microscopic structure compared to the whole (really infinite) Universe (God, Universum). Because there are many such “Universes” (“Gods” – their number was calculated by an our colleague on 1022, and only in the next “universe”, which is only one of other “universes”, numbering 1022). Therefore, our limited structure, which we observe with the naked eye and with technical devices, is more aptly to name “World”. Within it, the highest type of life, Homo Spiritus, is formed – a union of life with perfected Homo Galacticus from two billion galaxies. After a time calculated by us, the world life from the Third Species (Homo Spiritus) matures to live beyond the limits of the World (beyond the limits of our still so called “universe”) and leaves it forever... (As shown in the diagram above)
I have visualized all this using a sequence of simple mathematical symbols, simple picture schemes, and short and simple explanations so that even 15-year-old children can understand them. If someone older cannot understand them, it's not fatal. He can use the methods and techniques for purifying the body from the whole arsenal of Yoga. We have the best guide on Yoga. And when such a person applies these methods and techniques long enough (months or years), they will have no problem understanding even the most complex scientific publications. In other words, practicing Yoga, such a person will become a scientist on a much higher intellectual level than any officially paid scientist.
This Dissertation answers fundamental questions for which no scientist on Earth has answers – accordingly this Dissertation answers those questions. Moreover, no scientist on Earth would think to ask such questions. Furthermore, official (formal) scientists (those paid by the state authority) are not interested in such questions. Even if someone asks them, they will dismiss the questioner with disdain.
People who are on the edge of life and death, if they even have the strength to fight for their lives, would likely benefit the most from my dissertation. In their desperation, such people might subconsciously feel drawn to my work. However, the vast majority of people are not interested in the problems my dissertation solves. The reasons for this are explained and proven within the work itself. The vast majority of people are neither malicious nor stupid. They simply do not possess the organ of logical thinking and are guided by established standards because they trust the prevailing consensus. We cannot be angry with such people. Otherwise, we should be angry with the sheep for not being able to perform mathematical operations or build roofs over their own heads... The sensible course of action is to accept this reality and benefit from the sheep as our friends.
So I don't expect good profits from selling this product. I'd love for at least 30-40 avant-garde people worldwide to buy it. This will be the spark that will ignite the fire of knowledge in the vocated men. As always, I am bound to tell the truth to aid progress, at any cost or loss.
Still, there are 144,000 men on Earth as these above in right who have the faculty of logical thinking and will use it for good and for progress. Only after these 144 thousand personalities change their views on the world, on society and themselves will civilization have a stable basis for its salvation. The rest of the people on Earth will follow their example and trust these 144 thousand individuals, because they will see with their own eyes the changes in society and in the personalities of these men. You will learn who they are from the Dissertation.
We obtained the number 144 thousand through calculations. This number matches the same number from the Holy Bible!!!... However, we had not yet read the Holy Bible when we arrived at this result (144,000)...
In order to make sport beneficial for our health (physical, psychical, mindal, creative...), whether we practice “Sport for health only” or “Competitive sport”, we need to understand human physiology and anatomy. This includes not only the physiology and anatomy studied in official higher education institutions but also those studied in, for example, Asian types of medicine, which have been documented for millennia. It also includes ancient Bulgarian (i.e. Thracian) medicine, although it is so well sabotaged that I still cannot find any historical documented facts about it in Bulgaria.
It is implausible that the Bulgarians (i.e., Thracians) did not possess their own medicine. Numerous facts indicate that 2,000 to 3,000 years before Christ, due to significant natural cataclysms (such as earthquakes, the Bosporus strait bursting, and the Black Sea flowing into the ocean as a result of a floods and raising the level of the Black Sea by hundreds of meters), the Bulgarians (i.e. the Thracians) settled in the East and South East. They reached the Himalayas and Northern China (the Great Wall of China was built by captured Bulgarians against … the Bulgarians). Consequently, the Bulgarians (i.e., Thracians) transmitted their knowledge about life and health to the Indians and all of Asia. Because they did not go there as conquerors, but as partners for the exchange of culture, production, construction, and state organization. Even the language “Sanskrit” was a modified Thracian (i.e. Bulgarian) language. Therefore, we have reason to think that what we now call Ayurveda represents the folk medicine of the Bulgarians, and the overall holistic system of the Bulgarians for progress – Yoga.
When you visit Bulgaria, we will provide you with visual evidence of the true history of the Bulgarians (i.e., Thracians). However, you should allocate at least 1 month to explore our archaeological monuments and attend lectures by our historians..
Official doctors focus solely on chemical interactions, neglecting the importance of energy interactions (see the image on the above left, showing millions of energy channels in the human body). These energy channels not only connect our internal organs to each other and to our brain and thus to our soul or spirit, but they also link us to the Cosmos. This entire unified information system of ours, composed of nerves, neurons, cell souls, energy channels, energy nodes, our own soul or spirit, connects us to the Cosmos, to all living beings in the universe, to the Supreme Univers Reason—essentially caled God. In other words, there exists an
that do not exist according to official (formal) state medical power...
Without understanding the essence of the spirit and soul (now perceived only as hypothetical, illusory, artistic, and religious objects), it is not possible to live a normal life (free from diseases, sports injuries, and problems of any kind, including economic ones...). The spirit and soul are entirely material, approximately the size of a proton (10–15cm), and are not charged with gravitational energy. That is why they are undetectable by current devices... However, official “medicine” is in no hurry to see, understand, prove, and use the properties of the spirit and soul for the benefit of our health, as well as for the communication between us and Nature (God).
In the diagram on the left, you see the extraordinary wealth of electromagnetic energies that give life to the body. However, official “medicine” is not interested in them. As you will see below, the variety of ultra-high-frequency superluminal energies is of no interest to official medicine at all.
Official (formal) “medicine” has limited itself only and exclusively to the chemical interactions of the body. This pseudo-medicine knows about electrical interactions in nerves, and it knows about light interactions in vision. However, it has not analyzed the interaction of light (photons) and electricity (electrons) with chemical energy, nor how this interaction affects health, immunity, and the psyche. Because living matter, and especially the living matter of man, is transparent to both electrical and light energy, these energies always change the elements that conduct them wherever they pass. Consider the complexity of light. It is inconceivable that our organism is not adapted to this natural wealth:
Something worse that official (formal) medicine misses – the superlight energies that circulate in the body. It doesn't care about them at all. The diagram below shows how many more ranges of energies flow through all of our structures, including fueling the soul, spirit, and energy body. These energies are the basis of life, and chemical energies are a consequence, derived from ultra-high frequencies. It is unacceptable for the BASIS and the REASON for life (these high frequency energies) to be neglected. By ignoring these energies, official “medicine men” ignore the prime cause of life and health, i.e., the very life and health in whose name these pseudo-doctors receive their huge salaries.
This simplified diagram shows all 7 (from 1 to 7) energy ranges that can be controlled by human will. The remaining 8, 9, and all the following are beyond our control, but they nevertheless give us life. You will learn what these energies are in My Dissertation.
Soul and Spirit, which consume energies 6 and 7 respectively, are communication vehicles for communicating with all beings in the universe and with God. Ignorant people or small and big criminals imagine that after they hide facts or crimes, they will neither be taught by other beings nor will their crimes be punished. Indeed, “God slows but does not forget”. This product will clearly show you the means of communication between all living beings and God. You will also see that no one will go unpunished for their small or big sins.
1. Introduction.
The scientific community often perceives sports (and sports science) as an extravagant detail for low-intellectual people who religiously believe in their team or their sports idol. Sports are seen as part of the amoral “Bread and Spectacle” slogan that quells popular discontent and riots. In other words, sport is perceived as an outlet and an escape from social reality, while at the same time the owners of sports clubs and the managers of individual athletes make “mad money”.
No one thinks that sport can bear the same or greater amount of scientific scrutiny as other public sectors. That it can and should be a major factor in human upbringing, education, and a factor in personal prosperity, and is inseparable from other now more authoritative activities.
2. My Motivation.
When you want to know if an author is fair to his audience, you absolutely must examine his motivations for his actions and views. Therefore, I dedicate a significant amount of space to explaining my motivations for writing this scientific work, as well as my other related works.
3. Unsolved Problems in Football and Sports in General.
“Bind people as your customers by creating problems for them and then run to solve them!”
In recent years, following the criminal fiction (the Covid-19 pandemic), people are increasingly convinced that official “medicine” and its officials they do not want to solve the health problems, but to use them for more and more profits. They lie to people that there are unsolved problems that were super hard and super expensive to fix…
4. Solved Problems For the First Time in History. Conclusions.
In response to point 3, we propose the thesis that all the main, (basic, fundamental) problems, upon which all others depend in the causal “tree”, have been solved. Most derivative problems have also been solved, but only theoretically. This is a prerequisite for all secondary problems to be solved in the near future. However, this does not depend on us, but on the people in positions of power in each country and settlement. New specialists must study our discoveries and apply them in to practice.
5. Foundations of New Theory of Physiology and Development of Life According to Our Revolutionary Bulgarian Discoveries.
This section complements the previous one by demonstrating the fundamental problems and how they are solved theoretically and practically – all derivatives of the basic problems are solved as is solved the primal algorithm.
6. The Concepts “SPIRIT” and “SOUL”: the Primary Subjects of Life.
One of the most important, fateful, and most sensational discoveries is the physical-mathematical definition of the concepts “SPIRIT” and “SOUL”!
7. Key Conclusions from My Dissertation and from the New Theory of Life, Medicine and Sports.
This section aims to determine the logical connection between the individual sections of the topic and their unity. The current official “science” makes thousands of studies and conclusions with no connection between them. This creates an illusion of the ability of doctors to work, but they simply find unnecessary work to justify their salaries without giving definite solutions to the problems.
8. The Concepts “Soulic Development” and “Spiritual Development”.
The difference between the concepts of “soul” and “spirit” is of crucial importance, yet no one (except me and my colleagues) knows exactly what this difference means. This ignorance does not bother religious communities, writers of fiction, doctors, philosophers, physicists, mathematicians, politicians, lawyers, economists, teachers who teach and educate our children, or anyone else...
9. Harmonious Training of Subsystems, including the Physical Ones.
Harmonious development is not a luxury for spoiled ladies, but a natural necessity for both the individual and society. Even the most reasonable people strive for harmony, but no one to this day knows what the main parameters of harmonizing and their derivatives are. The harmonious development, a special case of which is the UN Doctrine of “Sustainable Development”, will by no means be realized without our scientific discoveries.
10. Volitional Control Over Physical, Mindal and Psychical proc.
Here it becomes clear which mental and physical processes are subject to will and reason. The vast majority of people are like animals – they adapt to the environment, while the intelligent person changes himself and the environment to harmonize it with nature.
11. Longevity and ...Immortality – the Scientific Evidence.
A topic that official (formal) “medicine” stubbornly refuses to discuss. When people understand the truth, they will no longer need doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and anti-humane procedures such as surgeries and transplants.
12. Nutrition as a Part of Sport Training. Types of Foods. The Wicked Diet Guaranteed Profits for Formal “Medicine” Only.
I have devoted a lot of space to this topic because official sports science uses the nonsense of official “medicine” in such a way that whatever progress it achieves through sports training, it achieves twice as much regression through vicious nutrition.
13. Vegetarianism and Veganism. Deliberate delusions of Formal “Medicine” about MEAT.
This is a taboo topic for official sports officials and owners of clubs, stadiums, sports televisions, etc. They pamper athletes by loading them with everything their escalating gluttony requires in order to squeeze them for rankings and records for the sake of money. But not money for the athletes, but for all those who invest their capital in the name of colossal profits.
14. A Small Part of the Truths about MEAT.
Continuation of the previous topic. The harm of meat becomes horrifyingly clear in this section.
15. Analysis From My Observations on the Sports Practice.
Although my official coaching biography is short, my unofficial in-depth observations lead to fateful conclusions.
16. Literature, the (Non)Standard Foundations of this Work.
In such a section, academic officials display titles of already recognized and authoritative works and authors. Here I am showing literature of fateful world importance with zero notoriety and zero authority for its authors.
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