
My Abilities and Motivation to Create this Website
Used knowledge, skills, cources, sciences and authors;
What will be your benefit from me and my benefit from you?

Colleagues who work in the field of health (healthy eating, diets, nutrition therapy, exercise and right thinking) are aware of many of my performances and efforts to promote these methods widely among citizens, in sports and in the education system. My official education is at the National Sports AcademyVasil Levski” – Sofia, Bulgaria, Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports, football and yoga coach.

But if everyone slept upon the formal education, there would be no progress and no scientific discoveries. Because formal education does not make progress, nor does it produce SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES. It can only in some rare cases improve some of the discoveries, and in most cases hinder progress. Because FORMAL EDUCATION serves power, not progress, nor the good and DEVELOPMENT of the people. FORMAL education is the basis for guaranteed incomes of people who are in it, and this is a basis for corruption, absence of criticism, and a SUPERFICIAL attitude to the life of others and to our own life.

In short, who am I and what have I created?

Main (fundamental) scientific work:

Yoga — Universal Methodology for solving problems of all kinds.
This entire website is dedicated to this new fundamental scientific theory

Official DIPLOMA:
series “NSA B-2003”, №044226 / 27.06.2003, National Sports Academy – Sofia, Bulgaria: Teacher of Physical Education and Sports; Football coach. Rehabilitator; Internal Techniques of Martial Arts, Scientist-Discoverer; Professional musician and artist, poet ...

Manager and CEO of the private scientific Institute for Fundamental Research "NEOGEN" Ltd.

Specialist in psycho-physical training and Theory of Physiology. Appointed as coach in these specialties by the doctor of the National Football Team Dr. Dimitar Gevrenov in 1994 before the World Cup in the United States.

I was appointed by the team doctor because I proved to the same doctor that the science of sports is as fake as the official medicine, namely – up to 95%! Back then, there were still such doctors who were dedicated to health, not money! The doctor hired me in practice because he simply introduced me to the board of the Bulgarian Football Union (BFU) with the words: “This is the coach of psycho-physical training.” And the head coach (the selectionist) just asked me: “How much money do you want?

After the doctor and coach left the national team, the doctor once met me by chance at the National Stadium in Sofia where the national players had match. Without explaining anything to me, the doctor introduced me to the team's new doctor to give me another chance to training the players. However, a few days later, the new doctor insulting me at the phone, said that he was not interested in science (!!!)...

Very important:
At that time I still did not have a higher education. I didn't even plan to study, but I had written my Dissertation, which I presented to the doctor in the form of personal conversations and letters. Only 3 years later I presented my dissertation to the Vice-Rector for the Science, who ordered my dissertation to be presented to a scientific council. But since I had no higher education, many of the participants in the meeting refused to attend because it was past lunch time (eating time)... Then I was advised to apply for a student. This happened in 1997.

There were 5-6 amazing teachers at the Sports Academy both as competent specialists and as moral personalities there I was something to gain from them as knowledge, but dozens of other teachers were not interested in science, but only in how to justify their working time and to receive their salaries. At the end of my education I presented my Dissertation again to the Scientific Council, but I had to have a master's degree, and I had no money for charges for such a degree. Therefore the achievements in science do not depend on the importance of our discoveries, but on whether we have money!... So my Dissertation was OFFICIALLY forgotten by the official “scientists”.

Most of the main topics on this site present the various applications and sequels to my Dissertation. You will find brief descriptions of all these topics on the HOME PAGE of this website.

Not only the university professors and university principals are not interested in science, but also full-time teachers in the schools where I applied as a physical education teacher. They all complied with the formal “extbooks”, instructions and orders because of their salaries, and for any deviation from it they would be punished by their superiors with dismissal. To this day, no school principal wants me in his team. And instead of running a school class, a sports team, or a research group, I had to do all sorts of hard physical work in construction, in agriculture, in factories, or to earn small bucks for my livelihood abroad just to have time to develop my scientific discoveries. We, scientists, work for our livelihood as well as for science, i.e. we spend for at least two purposes. While ordinary citizens spend only for themselves and their families...

The scientist, my friend and to whom I owe my insights in science, who is the author of the greatest discoveries on Earth of all time (see them HERE), was accepted as a member of the team by the Executive Director of the Multinational Franco-German Company for risky technologies. This company had billions of euros, some of which it could afford to lose if one of the projects failed. The company moved to Abu Dhabi because it would not pay over there exorbitant taxes for no reason, as in the European Union. Presenting only a part of my Dissertation there, this my friend secured me a contract to coach the national team of the United Arab Emirates. There the emir gave my friend a huge area so that the company could develop and apply our discoveries (30 by 40 kilometers area). However, the executive director of the company died because he was poisoned by the world mafia, and all the billions of money and property of the company were misappropriated by the mafia. So my friend and I stayed in Bulgaria to work only for our miserable income... This happened in 2010.

But in 2008 the same Multinational company once entrusted 20 million euros to my friend to invest in 8 projects in my city and the next time 200 million euros here again, but the mayors of my city for political reasons fled from such investments after received a refusal from us they to steal 10-15% of the amounts as a bribe for the deal!....

In the picture on the left you see a publication from our local newspaper, which informs the population in my city about the first case the investment of 20 million euros. Of course, the publication is in Bulgarian...

Let's get back to the sport:
Almost always, management positions in any sports federation or sports club are held by former athletes or investors who have never had scientific interests and have never been involved in science. Coaches are also at this low intellectual level. In short such ignorant people take over the management of any sports organization. Such ignorant people “have no nerves” even to concentrate their mind for 3 minutes. Therefore, when they hear that I will scientifically explain to them why my training system is №1 in the world, they either run away from me or do not open the doors of their offices to me...

I also met with worthy leaders and coaches who understood me from “half word”, but they were sabotaged by their superiors. As the coach of our team in my city was sabotaged by the mayor, so was the Sports Director of the Bulgarian football champion “Ludogorets” sabotaged. They all immediately wanted parnership with me but the mafia subconscious of their bosses always thwarted our mutual plans.

Whole this my story may be...


...in order all visitors here to buy goods and services from me. There is no way to prove my story with documents.

The only document that this may have happened is the science, the scientific theory that I propose you to buy. And that replaces all other possible evidence. If you understand my theory and see my personal practice and achievements, then would be more interesting for you to read about the my story. But the traditions on the Internet have forced me to do the opposite.

Here, however, you will see many documents from some normal government officials, from many of my fellow teachers, about my success in applying my discoveries to the education system and sports.

Of course, for our local and central government such documents have no value. Our authorities are only interested in whether they will take money from us or from you. When this is not possible, access to tese persons is impossible.

Some of my official qualifications

1. I have a qualification and diplomas issued by the National Sports Academy “Vasil Levski” (NSA, Sofia). Diplomas are only a guide, but not an essential indicator of qualification… The more they move away from the date of their issuance, the more they move away from the truth about our qualities.

2. I have a bachelor's degree in NSA. There I presented a material for dissertation considered at the Scientific Council in the Department of Psychology, BEFORE I HAVE HIGHER EDUCATION... My dissertation is not officially defended due to a change in the law and my lack of money...

3. I have published in internet a scientific papers (continuation of the dissertation) with discoveries in the field of physiology, sports training, psychology and society sciences. This is my main product that is published on this website.

4. I prove that the treatment of “incurable” diseases such as cancer, AIDS and others. are a solved problem… There are no incurable diseases.

5. I prove that viruses and infections do not exist. I.e. the virology, epidemiology, etc. are a bigest fake.

6. I prove that the generally accepted overall system of education and training of athletes is unscientific and vicious with long-term severe harmful consequences.

7. Most of the attributes of my research have been used for thousands of years, but for the first time, my colleagues and I have not only proven these practices to be perfect, but we have removed the fallacies and errors. We also managed to improve them without wasting money and time in researching and proving them…

8. In 1994 I was approved as a coach for psychophysical training in the National Football Team by the head coach Dimitar Penev (on the recommendation of Dr. Gevrenov, a doctor at the time of the national team). In fact, the doctor appointed me because of his prestige.

9. In 2008 I had an approved presentation (a part of my dissertation about changes in the training of footballers) through a multinational company to the National Football Team of the United Arab Emirates. I was accepted for two-year probationary period with salary of 2,000 euros... — a new contract with an extension and a higher salary...

10. I show high and stable over time personal sports results at the age of 65 (documented in 2017). I can show similar results at any time now.

11. I apply methods and tools not used in world theory and practice in the training of athletes and in the educational system. I.e. New Technologies in these fields. New technologies, but only in the opinion of the standard official system, otherwise the technologies has existed for millennia.

12. In 2003 I defended a my Doctoral Dissertation at the Department of Football at the National Sports Academy with the special title:

in training footbolers accorfing to
for the origin and development of life and human physiology.

(My dissertation was not officially defended before a scientific council (I didn't have money for fees...!), but all colleagues, professors, vice rectors and the Rector were convinced of the revolutionary changes that would be produced on the basis of this dissertation. That's why they helped me dor its application in practice...)

13. I prove the need for a TRANSITION PERIOD from standard official methods to new methods for the development of all-round intellect.

14. I present a Program for the transition to Sustainable Development of the Education System (Sustainable Education) as well as the whole society. The project was approved in 2003 at the expert level in the Ministry of Education and Science (MES). The program is based on the strategic goals of AGENDA 21 (Agenda 21st Century) of the IOC, the EU and the UN. Documents completely ignored and suppressed by all sport figures and official authorities. This program will support the preparation for high sportsmanship and for high managers from kindergartens through schools to universities.

15. My teacher was a student of the coach of the first Soviet Astronauts, i.e. I have the high technology for survival under extreme loads in astronautics.

16. I have high achievements as a worker, athlete, musician, artist, poet, scientist-discoverer (all-round development).

17. I applied my qualification in an Municipal Project Sports for Sustainable Development” in the system of education and sports clubs in the Municipality of Karlovo, Bulgaria, with a proven revolutionary effect.

18. I had an approved business plan from the then Rector of the NSA — Lachezar Dimitrov for:

NSA BRANCH in my small town of Karlovo, based on our discoveries. But the CRAZY mayor of Karlovo, who is still like that (both mayor and crazy), always run...

19. I was appointed private coach of some Turkish national football players and other sports, mainly wrestling..

20. I prefer to prove my new theory through live lectures, not only logically, but also through my practice. Live contact immediately eliminates errors and misunderstandings.

21. I achieved all of the above BEFORE I HAVE HIGHER EDUCATION!!!

in any sphere of life, always becomes a

Being a leader, however, is not a privilege, but an obligation and responsibility to teach other people and help them develop. Competition is one of the most vicious goals of Humanity. Competition is not fair contest, but a selfish desire to succeed, causing losses to other people. Instead of competition, we offer you cooperation and mutual assistance, shared knowledge, technologies and skills.

The applications of our discoveries are in all main (primary, archetypal, basic...) areas of life: fundamental sciences, technologies, economics, medicine, sports, arts, etc. Development of Humanity will be based on our discoveries. And I hope we are alive to see this with our own eyes. Together with you, let us help each other to turn our theories into practice. This is the main tool for the transformation of the current Civilization from Kingdom of profit and selfishness into Kingdom of freedom and creativity to develop rapidly by the natural, by the humanarian laws...

Here, in this website you will find the funadamental evidence and ways to our common success.

The next

is the reason I was born on Earth and to train students:

Below I present some links from
When I have more time and resources, I will translate them into English.
But most web pages have pictures, videos and audio that
do not need translation.

When an athlete interrupts his racing career, i.e. when such an athlete is useless, he becomes a coach. And he just repeats like a parrot what he saw uncritically from his trainer and without improvements. This usually happens at an early (30-40-year-old) youthful age. Unlike such “coaches”, I show with my personal results in over 60-year-old age inexplicable (according to the official “medicine”) sports results.

I.e. I can be both a competitor and a coach simultaneously. And this is a condition for me to test my own principles on myself, and not to use the competitors as my experienced mice. If a system doesn't work well for me, it won't work well for the athletes I train. I.e. I am the first competitor on whom I test each my new system:

In order to receive funding from the state and thus teach the population of this great science and practice, the Bulgarian organized yogis created a non-profit association – the Bulgarian Yoga Federation (BY
F). Of course, yoga is a all-round methodology for solving problems of any kinds, but there is no politician or manager who will recognize this fact because it will become redundant. That is why the Bulgarian yogis were forced to join their federation to the Ministry of Sports, because what is seen in yogis is physical exercises, i.e. the sports part of yoga. And since sport without contest is nonsense, the Bulgarian yogis had to make a yoga contest (a comtest for performing asanas). Which is the practice in most other countries for the same reasons. Here (), I participated in such an “asana contest” when I was 48 years old with a diploma and a silver medal, winning second prize in a national “contest”:

It would be more correct to call it a “contest in flexibility, concentration of thought, balance and grace”. Or “yoga poses (asanas) contest”.

Because yoga includes not only the physical, but also psychical and mental nature of man, and this competition is limited only to physical development and only to the alkalizing exercises called “asanas”. vl1


Most yogis, although they do not understand it, know that there can be no (complete) yoga comtest, but only as a part of it, but they become reconciled in the name of the funding from the Ministry of Sports so that they can reach the population in an official way.

In the first years of the blind faith in the transition to “democracy”, even the first Chairman of Bulgarian Yoga Federation (Vesselin Louchanski ) won the right of yogis to receive an official diploma from National Sports Academy (NSA) for yoga teachers and to teach in all official kindergartens and schools in extracurricular forms of education, but with payment from the state. It was a huge victory in favor of yoga, but the Ministry sabotages to this day the entry of yoga into the education system. See () my other diplomas, certificates, reviews and subscriptions in support of my work by clicking this picture!



Maharishi Kartikeya Ji
at the age of 85

Dhirendra Brahmachari
at the age 67

Ventseslav Evtimov
at the age 69

Tocho Bonev
at the age of 61

I lead my new kind of therapeutic course, a mixture of Tibetan and Vietnamese massage, saionji, isometrics, etc.:

Sayonji is perceived as
a Miracle of the 20th century – Why?

It is not difficult to guess why only units have heard of these manual techniques? The World White Mafia (WHO) and its white dwarfs ignore anything that could reduce or eliminate their profits from drugs, vaccines, surgery, trade in blood and blood products, trade in organs and medical equipment. And even persecutes and ... kills such innovators of health ... introduces forced vaccinations, non-existent pandemics such as Ebola, Zika, ... KoViD-19, etc. crimes against Humanity...

Only 0.1% of people have a normal pelvis. 99.9% of patients have deformities of the hip bones at birth. The probability of such deformations from falls and unfortunate accidents is negligible compared to birth. All the nerves that control the internal organs pass through the spine, and most of all through the pelvis. Therefore, deformities of the pelvis and spine (immobilization and contamination with harmful foods) are the main causes of diseases – there are almost no others (interfere with blood, lymph and nerve flow).

They are not treated with pills and operations, but with active adjustment, flexion and purification.

Even chronic diseases of the elderly disappear: neuralgia, amenorrhea, tremor, dysmenorrhea, stuttering, warts, eczema, gastritis, colitis, obesity, extreme exhaustion, colds, diabetes, cancer... Some of 3-4 sessions. The energy that passes through the body during this therapy is equal to 1500 m of running, but without straining the muscles and the heart...

When running, great amount of energy is expended, while in Sayonji the same amount of energy is directed to treatment and rehabilitation.

Pain consumes energy, that's why leads to premature death. This therapy removes pain, fatigue – increases energy (warmth, but not in t0), cheerfulness, pleasure, optimism (!), immunity, sexual ability, stature... Sayonji and our applications to it are a lifeline, BUT it is not a way to life, is not a panacea! Because health also depends on the pursuit of development and harmony with Nature, i.e. from Yoga...

No one can eliminate the causes of disease except the person who has provoked these causes. Therapists can help as a start, but not solve health problems permanently.

You will understand WHY official medicine not only cannot but and does not want to cure when you look at the graph below – official medicine is not interested in universal energy, but is limited only to chemistry (range 1, sounds), i.e. official medicine not interested in life...

Because all the cosmic energy, called “prana” by the yogis, circulates through the spine and its joints, tendons, fascia, bones and cartilage, and the Eastern martial arts call it “qi”.

There is no therapy and/or physical training in the world like ours that provides such a powerful circulation of universal energy (shown in the picture above), nourishing and purifying, i.e. healing and harmoniously developing all possible structures of a living organism.

I organize and participate in ordering the following therapies, and other my colleagues will be the performers.

The Zone therapy is a massage of reflex zones: feet, palms – “Where your feet are, a journey begins on thousands of li” (Lao Tzu) (1 li = 576 m). An image from a tombstone of Dr. Zaccara (Egypt, before 4200) shows a foot and hand massage... The American doctor Fitzgerald (1872-1942) studied Indian medicine, systematized his experience in his book “Therapy through the zones” (1917).

Dr. Riley further develops this theory. From America through England, the method penetrated into Germany under the name “reflexology”.

Reflex zones are energy projections (contacts) of all internal organs on the feet, palms, ears and tooths. By massaging them, we open the energy channels (regulation of separation-retention) of the internal organs.

Su-Jok and Moxa. This method is discovered (defined, systematized and refined) by the South Korean scientist Prof. Dr. Pak Je Wu with the first scientific reports from 1987, but this method originates from the ancient Chinese acupuncture, which borrows the doctrine of energy points and meridians in Yoga. The method is a type of zone therapy, but affects the areas not only with fingers, but also with various tools and substances:

1. Exposure to heat (moxa).
2. Exposure to cold (cryotherapy).
3. Impact with needles.
4. Combination between moxa and needles.
5. Different forms of massage.
6. Impact with magnets...

The prick (zheng) was accompanied by heating (zyu) by burning various herbs, ie. zheng-tzu therapy (acupuncture). Heating was most effective by smoldering wild wormwood (in Japanese – “moxa”)... Later, wild wormwood (moxa) was mixed with other herbs. But the method is called “moxa”, regardless of the herbs. Moxa works through cigars or cones... Some Japanese moxa masters extend their own life up to 250 years...

Shiatsu (shi – fingers; atsu – pressure), i.e. Japanese finger pressure therapy legalized by the Japanese Ministry of Health. Tokuiro Namikoshi from this old school has healed more than 100,000 patients and trained 20,000 students in 40 years... Unlike ordinary massage, shiatsu also affects acupuncture points all over the body (energetically, fundamentally). Removes excess lactic acid from muscles (fatigue and pain) and restores missing substances in both muscles and nerves. A powerful tool for improving the reproductive system...

It is very “strange” why the official “medicine” is silent about the above and the following therapeutic methods! Or do you already understand why?

Aikido is a Japanese martial art created in the early twentieth century by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) from various martial arts and techniques from over 700 years ago. It is one of the most complex and intellectual martial arts – an effective teaching for self-development, lifestyle, integration and harmonization of all human forces, improvement of mind and spirituality. This is means of reconciliation, protection, mutual assistance, and not of physical and technical superiority over others by attack (aggression). This is self-defense only in super-extreme situations when life is in danger.

When people hear about a martial art, they immediately imagine an aggressive fight between rivals who hate each other. First, if people practiced yoga and martial arts (the first martial art Calari originated from yoga in the southern Indian state of Kerala), they would have no enemies and even fewer reasons to fight. Second, to reach perfection, martial arts training (and yoga, which is the same thing) lasts for many years and takes a lot of personal time. These efforts and their results, such as perfect health, super abilities and happiness, nullify any aggressive actions that harm the attacker, even if he becomes a winner. But all martial arts clubs find meaning in money and fame, which depersonalizes such people. That's why you will never see normal results and personalities during official martial arts competitions.

All the methods for achieving super health and super abilities presented above and below are only temporary starting points (a point of departure) to perfection. We do not offer them as a permanent means of life, but as a beginning, as a easier method for tread on King Path (Yoga). I.e. when you set foot on the King Path (Yoga), all these means will waste your personal time, because there is nothing more effective and faster to achieve perfection than Yoga (all-round, harmonious, accelerated and sustainable development, whose mathematical characteristic is an exponential curve, i.e. over time the acceleration of development increases).

More exotic methods of influence offered by us and colleagues, members of the Applied Sector at the Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics – Sofia (SRCMB), Winner of the world's largest award in alternative medicine and biophysics (2003, Bern, Switzerland), plus the Vernadsky Prize 2003, the Chizhevsky Prize 2005, the Koch Prize 2008.

I have no information at the moment, but I am sure that such awards no longer exist or have been sabotaged and neglested by the official (white and economic) mafia. But this is not important, because our goal is not the rewards and recognition, but to fulfill our mission (true treatment and help on the way to normal human development).

Our team helps the body cope with all health problems at all levels [physical, soul (psychical), mental, spiritual, auric, even karmic] and relieves stress, improves image, social status and business prosperity.

Methods for diagnosis and impact through: personal contact, by photo and from a distance, with hands and eyes; prevention, Usui reiki, Omni reiki, bioenergy, clairvoyance, wax casting, lead casting (“bullet”), classical and non-contact massage, numerology.

With very good results in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine glands (without diabetes), secretory, sexual, respiratory and circulatory systems.

Certificate of research results in a protocol from the Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB). The results are proof of excellent energy control. Biotherapeutic abilities have excellent first-class grades.

Certificate for MASTER HEALER USUI REIKI RYOHO from Bulgarian Reiki Center Sofia.
Certificate for “MASSAGIST” Sh 3252 from the Ministry of Education and Science; Phoenix Training Center (Plovdiv).
Certificate of OMNI HEALING from DR. SAMEER KALE (India).
Certificate for nature prevention, Center of Natural Medicine "Neodan" Ltd. (Sofia).
Certificate of Numerology, Esoteric Club “New Century”.
Certificate of Psychoenergy Medicine (bioenergy diagnostics and therapy), Higher School of Methods and Techniques in Complementary Medicine (Plovdiv).
Certificate for Remedies from Indian Medicine Ayurveda, Higher School of Methods and Techniques in Complementary Medicine (Plovdiv).

Finally, let me remind you which is the Genuine (the King) Path:
for solving problems of any kind!


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