for solving problems of any kind
New Fundamental Conceptual Apparatus
1. New Civilization – Why? Characteristics of the new civilization. The new biological species, called Homo Galacticus, superior to Homo Sapiens defines the New Interstellar Cosmic Civilization on Earth.
2. The Great Bulgarian Interstellar Complex Revolution. Verbal and graphic expression of the concept (notion and definition) of the word “revolution”.
✔️ Types of Revolutions.
✔️ The End Goal of Nature and Revolutions.
✔️ The Biological (Last) Revolution on Earth. If it succeeds, never again on Earth will there be revolutions…
✔️ Four Ways of Realization (rationalization and awareness) of the full capabilities of the New Human Biological Species.
✔️ Differences between Homo Sapiens and Homo Galacticus.
3. Flight and Energy Production Technologies for the new biological species and new nature limitations for the old species. Solving the problems of energetics, transport, ecology (plane and other types of crashes...). These devices will work with 100% clean (ecological), 100% inexhaustible and 100% FREE ENERGY.
4. Some of Our Sport Achievements.
5. The Most Important Topic: New Epochal Discoveries About Human and Societal Development.
001. Human Development and the Greatest Secret.
002. Why official medicine can't and/or don't want to control more than half of our vital body processes and thus not being able to and/or don't want to solve the problem named “diseases” forever? What does this “half” of our vital processes represent?
003. Universal Algorithm of Development for Cosmos, Nature, Human, Society and their Interactions.
003(A). YOGA – THE UNIVERSAL METHODOLOGY for solving problems of any kind is based on the UNIVERSAL DEVELOPMENT ALGORITHM (CONTINUATION). Understanding Yoga in UN (United Nations).
004. Main (Basic) Mistakes in comprehension, understanding, defining and practicing Yoga. Reasons for Defilement of the World Yoga Movement.
005. Why Yoga is a Cosmic Science?
005(A). Mathematical Formula of GOD. I.e. “God” is completely calculable (REAL, comprehensive) material entity. And why at the same time, it's also a spiritual entity.
005(B). Worlds and/or “Universes” – New Definition of the term “universe” (“GOD”).
All the following links belong to PART 2
Therefore, these links will open in a NEW WINDOW.
Or choose PART 2 directly!
005(C). Beyond the World (Beyond the “Universe”) (Beyond “God”) – definition of the terms “Outer World”, “Next World”, “NetherWorld”, “Hell” and “Heaven”.
005(D). Critical (Borderline) Speeds for transition Between the Worlds (transition between the “universes”).
005(E). Structure of the Universe (Structure of “God”).
005(F). Normal Terminal Age for Homo Sapiens and Homo Galacticus.
005(G). Immortality, Resurrection and Rebirth – mathematical and historical evidence.
005(H). Soul and Spirit – definition and differences between one another.
005(I). Yoga integrates the individual with the cosmic consciousness and overcomes distance between the stars.
006. Which are the last 3 Rebirths of Albert Einstein?
Which are the last 3 Rebirths of Isaac Newton?
007. Historical Proof for Homo Galacticus, Immortality, Rebirth, Resurrection and Yoga.
6. The New Bible of the New Millenium. a1z
....Free publication as bonus to you:
7. Mandatory Literature for your personal harmonious development (for your happiness) and for your growth as a competent leader of the societal harmonious development. Our new works and standard (classic) works for world progress.
⇐ THE UNITY IN THE UNIVERSE. This scientific work in physics and mathematics expresses the most revolutionary and greatest scientific discoveries on Earth at all past and future times!
“Progress cannot stop!” – most people will say. “Because in 50, 100 or 200 years, another more perfect scientist will be born – knowledge is finite, and nature is infinite!...” If you read my scientific work here and read the book on the left as a basis, you will understand that no more perfect scientist than the author of the book on the left will ever be born on Earth.
Everything I write is based on this physico-mathematical theory. I only narrate in an accessible logical language the physical and mathematical results obtained. Therefore, I recommend that you buy this book and check the calculations for yourself and compare them with my text and pictures.
All our explicit statements here are based on exact mathematical calculations, not religion, mysticism or divination. Don't be astonished that an ordinary person like me knows these things, and a world-renowned scientists do not know (or pretend not to know) any of this. They don't even want to know. History shows, and we explain why:
They protect the old knowledge, which represents the already established, permanent, already balanced power of money and power. Every novelty (discovery, invention, rationalization, innovation) shakes this equilibrium, which can invalidate or remove the owners of money and production, of privileges and hereditary benefits. Do not trust official (formal) institutions and official (formal) mass media, always doubt them. In most cases, they speak truths that cannot be neglected, but do not lead to changes, but hide the most important, still unknown, which leads to solved problems and progress. Check their theses with your own mind, do not trust the prestige of famous and likeable people launched by mass media or official (formal) institutions. a1
Characteristics of the New Civilization
1. The First Characteristic of the New Civilization on Earth is called New Biological Species – here, we will make a short review of it; we will describe it and will point out its main characteristics and what differenciates it from Homo Sapiens as well as why this species is more advanced than Homo Sapiens. We will show some directions in help of its development.
2. The Second Characteristic of the New Civilization are the new space technologies for achieving speeds that are above the speed of light, as well as communication, free energy and mastery over the space between stars and galaxies.
3. The Third Characteristic of the New Civilization is the new social system – who should govern society and what shoud be its structure according to the laws of the cosmos.
4. The Fourth Characteristic are the new guidelines for the personal development of Homo Sapiens and the New Biological Species, called Homo Galacticus.
5. The Fifth and the Most Importand Characteristic is harmonization between every quality that is mentioned above.
Because every progress in history up till now has been in opposition to the other types of progress. This leads to disbalance and cataclysms. Now, for the first time in history, we have a chance to achieve progress without cataclysms.
6. Etc. ... a2
1. Concept of “Revolution” and Why “Complex”.
Every social group or personal power, which holds the social authority (the state) has its own definition about words and explains them in a way which justifies its own authority. But science doesn't strive to enforce, but to search and find objective truth and follow it thereafter. This is why we will present the term “revolution” from the perspective of the normal development of the definitions from their origin up till now.
As for any concept, so for the concept of “revolution” we need to present a new definition, because all the basic concepts with which the power handles are wrong, distorted, spit and anathema. Therefore, in people's minds, the true meaning of these concepts has long been missing, replaced by emotional muddle.
For the word “revolution”, we mean its truе, meaningful content, and not the emotional, action-inciting charge, enforced by the propaganda.
The word “revolution” (“re—volution”) is composed by two latin words:
1. “re-” – feedback, return, refresh, counteraction, repetition, recovery, refund, recuperation, resumption, etc.;
2. “-volutus” – spiral-type, curved MOTION (like the form of galaxies, snails…), i.e. “volutus” means NORMAL development of life.
I.e. the term “revolution” is a return to normal, natural, “programmed-by-nature” accelerated restoration of normal development with a jump. Otherwise, degradation and corruption will suffocate everything. Normal development (on the graph below) is an exponential curved line.
x is Time. y is Level of Development. t is a new measurement of the time of the New Era and the New Civilization, because in that case, the human development becomes infinitely large quantity for a unit of time. This means immortality for some. And you will see that this is not a fantasy, but a real result of calculations.
Peaceful revolutions are a reality (scientific or technological), but this is a choice, made by those, who own money and authority. They always sabotage normal development with stealing, cheating, force, wars, and then they blame everything on revolutions (return to normal development). The robber says: “Catch the robber!” and the killer says “Get the killer!”.
When there's a – volutus (natural, normal evolution), there isn't any need of re- (the reverse effect). But when incopmpetent and foul politicians and oligarchs destroy development and our very lives, this creates a necessity for a re-, backwards large jump towards catching up to the normal development. Social revolutions are not an invention of marxists, they are historical fact, a natural necessity, a dictate (provocation) of the cosmos for survival and continued development of life (volutus).
⇐ Graphical Definition (Notion) for the Word “Revolution”:
The recovery (catching up) of the normal development from point 0 to point a we call “revolution”, and an overtaking the development from p. a to p. b or from p. 0 to p. b we call “super revolution”.
Conclusion: Our scientific discoveries are a premise not only for revolution, but also Super Revolution. For a completely new civilization. a2a
1. Types of revolutions according to the public sector, in which the given revolution works:
Main sectors
– material (gravitational) revolution and
– spiritual revolution. It is united development towards realization of root causes
of the three red sectors, but with the reverse sign (minus)
. As we can see, the material revolution
is a complex (simultaneous) development in 3 sectors –
revolution in the development of material production;
– revolution in the development of science and technologies; and
– revolution in human development – culture (art, medicine, sports, education etc.).
The number and the connections through these sectors are not randomly thought for our comfortability – they are a result of the natural differentiation of the structures of life ever since their origination…
Our goal here is not the exhaustive counting and classification of each and every type of revolution (we will do this in other sections of our scientific labor) – here we will show just the most important and critical for mankind sectors, which have crucial meaning to the understanding and development of society and nature.
2. Types of revolutions depending on overcoming the main ranges of the frequencies, which exist in nature and which, according to official science, do not exist, but they actually do – overcoming of the borderlines between the frequencies.
The First Fateful Revolution is immediately after the origin and development of life, when the basic quanta of life and the functional quanta of life united the atoms into molecules and the molecules into the complex structures of the first single-celled beings. This is the time when the two types of life quanta begin to create diverse life forms, and are at the beginning of mastering the chemical energy:
Below you will find out what the terms “basic quanta of life” and “functional quanta of life” mean.
The whole period of development shown in the above diagram covers the beginning of the mastery of chemical energy and ends with the beginning of the mastery of supersonic velocities and the beginning of the mastery of the first, second, and third cosmic velocities...
This is the development of life from single-celled organisms to the current Civilization, which make its first steps into space...
The Second Fateful Revolution for Mankind is overcoming of the speed of sound. Overcoming . When transport devices began to move in air with ultrasound speed – airplanes and rockets, which overcomes gravity. We can already accept that the mastery over the chemical processes that vibrate with the frequency of the sound is completely achieved:
The Third Fateful Revolution already begun with mastery over electricity and high-frequency electromagnetic radioconnections and beginning to master the light:
But the process of adoption of the electromagnetic waves is still not completed. Here, our bulgarian science has new discoveries, which will give us free electromagnetic energy everywhere and in every terrestial (planetary) system. This will end the energy problems of humanity and it will happen the moment we solve the problems of the social system.
But if we don't solve the problems of the social system, instead of new technologies, we will get destruction of our civilization...
The Fourth Fateful Revolution is Mastery Over Light Waves:
But, as with the previous one, the process of mastering of the light waves is still not completed. Here, our bulgarian science has new discoveries, which will grant us above-light speeds. This revolution will be the end of transportation and communication problems of humanity – and it will come, when we change the societal system... This will be the start of the Integration of humanity with brothers of intelligence in our Galaxy. With the mastery over light waves, we will also have access to Antigravitation and that is:
The FifthFateful Revolution – Mastering Gravitational Waves:
With this revolution, the process of overcoming the material (gravitational) problems of our civilization will end. With gravitational waves, we will have contact with all flying devices, which move with super-light speeds.
BUT!!! All following speeds above velocities , will be in the After World, also called Next World or Exit from our still misnamed “universe”. It is more correct to call the “universe” – “world”. Why? You will find out later.
BUT!!! The mastery of the energies with their respective speeds from to
by the person himself, who has to use them for his health, thinking and morals, is achieved by the physical, mental and psychic exercises and techniques of the yogis. If we let only the soulless technical means define our lives, we will become in identical soulless technical means in the hands of criminals... Therefore one must train his body to master all low and high energy frequencies.
As you see, A THREEFOLD SUPER REVOLUTION is ahead of us – overcoming of the frequencies (energies) ,
. And the mastery of all frequencies from the beginning of “Overcoming 1” and up to “Overcoming 5” and up to frequency range
This was always a practice of humanity since tens of thousands of years and even millions of years. It's hard to believe that, it sounds like it's a paradox, but it is truth.
Attention! Mastery over all 7 types of frequency ranges, shown below in harmonic unity, is a work of constant human revolution (accelerated development), called Yoga and we devote all of this labor to this sacred, ancient, cosmic science. This revolution is still not a priority of the entire population, but only to certain individuals. When, however, this revolution turns into a mass culture at least for the New biological species, then we will also have
for all controlled 7 frequency ranges,
or more detailed:
⇐ Some of the varieties of the term “REVOLUTION” at disharmonious degrees of development in the various main branches of society:
In most cases, revolutions cause cataclysms instead of progress – usually civil wars. This stems from the imbalance in development, when there's a revolution only in one social sector and other sectors that are not in ready for a revolution. This is shown graphically in Variant 1.
But we hope that our discoveries and new technologies will cause complete (in all sectors and their directions)
i.e. our discoveries will simultaneously revolutionize all societal sectors and in that way, cataclysms will be avoided. The harmonic state of such revolution is shown in Variant 2 above.
Which is the revolution, that is for the first and last time in the history of humanity? That is: a2c
There has never been another reasonable human species on Earth since Homo Sapiens, and there will never be another reasonable human species on Earth after Homo Galacticus. Homo sapiens will cease to be a reasonable species, i.e. he will cease to be a human species – he will be last supreme animal species, non-human, only at the highest level in terms of processing speed, volume and quality of information compared to other lower animals... His creative abilities will be LIMITED to the level, which Homo Galacticus would have left him.
This is why, we determine the harmonious unity of all the above-mentioned single revolutions on Earth as one common, all-round super-revolution which will generate a completely New Civilization on Earth, and which by 2033 should be (according to calculations) on way to unification with all similar civilizations in the Milky Way.
This process is illustrated on the picture below.
The general path of development of the terrestrial (our) Homo Galacticus along with others of their kind within the Galaxy will continue until they reach the periphery of the Galaxy, after which they will already be a complete, unified and New Galactic Civilization, ready for unification with others of their kind from the whole “universe” forming the next higher species Homo Spiritus – the unified oecumenical mind....
I.e. on Earth by the year 2033 there will be living two civilizations – the first being composed by the Homo Sapiens species, and the other one composed by the Homo galacticus species. After 2033, the two civilizations will separate forever. Homo Galacticus will be flying towards brothers by mind, reaching the peryphery of the galaxy, and Homo Sapiens will stay on Earth around 300-500 years, which after that will fly to the center of the galaxy, because the Sun will begin to die, and with it – and the Earth.
This process has already begun prematurely as a result of the predatory attitude of humans towards nature and threatens to destroy both biological species without a trace, as perhaps happened on Mars...
Look at the terrifying evidence of the impending
in about 10 years!!!
of our discoveries, big part of which are published on this site,
1. Evolutionary (Normal) Development (Awareness).
The speed of development is enforced by nature, i.e. the speed does not depend on our will. If our development is not in accordance to the laws of nature and if it lags behind, then we should equilize our speed of development with that of nature. The intellectual development of human and nature is expressed through an exponential curve, shown above.
Instead of following the exponential curve, we are not only behind in time, but we have deviated downward and away from the normal direction. This means that even we are be far behind the subconscious animal development. I.e. we cannot call ourselves humans (reasonable biological species), nor can we call ourselves animals. The name that best describes us is “perverted bio-robots”.
2. Slow Natural Realization (Awareness).
Speed of movement and communications reached generally by a civilization is true, albeit indirect, indicator of the degree of development of that civilization. If we had reached the speed of light through space, according to current official notions, we would be a super-developing civilization.
According to our calculations, Nature and God have destined us to master not only the Planet, but also the cosmos in the Solar System, as well as all the cosmos in the entire “universe”. If we travel at the speed of light, we will reach the limits of the “universe” in 10 billion and 570 million years. However, if we moved faster than the speed of light, we would reach the limits of the “universe” in One Three Hundred Thousandth of a Second. (1/300,000 sec).
Most people hope we will reach the speed of light in hundreds of years. If we are developing at the current rates common to all economic sectors, even if we do not have regression and decay like the current ones, then the degree of awareness reached in a given time interval can be defined as pitiful. At our rate, escalating natural disasters will quickly wipe us out without a trace. The facts of the destruction of the climate and the economies of most countries say that we are not only in the infantile age of civilization, but we are already perverted.
Not only are we not aware of ourselves, but we are rapidly degrading as a Civilization, although there are a sufficient number of geniuses who have solved the problems, but the perverted societal structure destroys everything progressively, or at least slows it down so much that our situation is tantamount to suicide.
The bottom line is that without additional and conscious effort on our physical body, mind and soul, we will quickly perish. Nature and God certainly have more optimistic plans for us, but since we do not care about their laws, even though a huge amount of people worship them, pray to them and believe in them animalistically, reality will soon destroy us.
3. Accelerated (Revolutionary) Technological Realization (Awareness).
Human development is not only expressed through technologies, which are a degree of mastering natural laws, but they also express the backwardness of personal human abilities, replacing them with technical ones. Everything that machines can do, man is able to achieve only by developing his own physical, mental and psychical powers. But not everyone can do it – the only people who can it are always from the leading, the foremost, the most perfect, the last in time biological species. But if for some reason they does not develop according to the natural laws, will never achieve higher abilities without technologies. They, in turn, depend on the general level of awareness of the social form of organization of production and distribution of goods. All methods and means of personal perfection without any technical means, we can receive through the Science of Yoga.
Degradation is making us hurry and this is why we need to use technologies. Homo Galacticus will be realized when it makes several flights with super-light speeds, from which the elementary particles will be cleaning its physical body to a complete perfection, after which the differences between Homo Sapiens and Homo Galacticus will become apparent. When it comes back from interterestial expeditions, it will be completely different from Homo Sapiens – will be rejuvenated until the age of 25, all defects on his body will disappear, if he has a cut off leg, arm or wounds, they will disappear until 100% recovery, until perfection. Why this is so, is clear from the calculations... It will gain abilities, which now we call “supernatural”, but in reality they are natural – like teleportation, levitation, passing through walls, telepathy... It will do perfectly with every activity, that can do each of the most perfect patterns of Homo Sapiens. Everything that Homo Galacticus wants, will make it with its mind, if it's within the restrictions of the natural laws. And the most important thing – Homo Galacticus will be immortal after several interstallar flights.
4. Accelerated (Revolutionary) Natural Realization and Development (Awareness) – Yoga.
Yoga can be practiced by anyone and anyone would have a benefit from it. Everything that can be gained from this science is dependant entirely on your level of development of consciousness and will. In Yoga, there is a “positive feedback” – the more you practice, the more your skills, your will and consciousness will develop and the more free time for creativity you will free from your own slavery called “ego”.
If a person develops in a standard way (without yoga and without technical means), he can never fully develop and will lag behind the development of nature. The only way of accelerated development without technical means is Yoga. Because with yoga a person can make maximum use of all natural laws, according to his own level of development. This is why
Yoga is the Greatest Happiness that Can Happen to a Personality. a2e
1. Duration of Life.
– Homo Sapiens – 1000 years (± 200). Now he lives less than 100 tortured years – reasons are the errors in the way of life… This problem is solved by yoga.
– Homo Galacticus – 1024 years
(1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years – 1 septilion years, 1 with 24 zeroes). This life span is inherent only within this still misnamed “universe” outside of which life continues. How much more, you will learn further in the development of the topic.
2. Characteristics of Gender Differences Man-Woman.
Both female and male Homo Sapiens do not possess spirit. Every Homo Galacticus male possesses spirit. In case of lack of a spirit, the individual will die at super-light speeds. A woman from the Homo Galacticus species will need to be accompanied by a male from the same species, else she will die. But after she reaches super-light speed with a male, she will no longer need him for a companion. After which the woman can now optionally, whenever she wants, move at super-light speeds without a male companion.
Soul and Spirit are “tools” that connect their holders to cosmic information and to the several types of cosmic intelligence, as well as for communication between individuals of the same species, as well as communication with one's own organs and cells. Each Homo Galacticus has free will to both use this information and energy power of all 7 energy ranges. Other biological species individuals have a limited will within their level of development.
No female individual in nature has a spirit, they don't need one. Female individuals use both the more perfect souls of men as well as the spirits of a male Homo Galacticus to subconsciously adjust their thinking and behavior. This process of exchanging energies and information can become Spiritual Love between male and female individuals.
The Soul is an instrument of the subconscious (feelings, emotions, empathy, memory...), and the Spirit – of consciousness, logical thinking, free will and creativity. Each spirit possesses the properties of the soul as well.
We use the terms “Basic Quantum of Life” and “Functional Quantum of Life” for Spirit and Soul, respectively, because they more accurately express the physical reality of both the structures themselves and their relationship to the surrounding world.
Below you will see diagrams that depict from where and how these two quanta of life were created.
3. Logical Thinking, Problem Solving and Creativity.
The most important difference between Homo Sapiens and Homo Galacticus is that the first one does not possess a spirit, and the second one does spirit (basic quantum of life).
Spiritual development means logical and creative thinking. The logical thinking is the ability of the mind to find interconnections between ocurrences and facts, which is a definement of a problem. The solving of a problem is nothing but its definement or finding connections of the problematic element with other elements of the system and whether these connections are defective or not.
An individual which doesn't have a spirit (like Homo Sapiens), also doesn't possess logical thinking as well, outside of the formal (official) way of thinking that is widely accepted. That individual also doesn't posses creative thinking outside the official confinements, so he can't solve problems that others before him haven't solved. In solving a non-standard problem, the individual without spirit (Homo Sapiens) block.
Homo Sapiens can only solve problems that have already been solved, but appear periodically. In this case, Homo Galacticus leaves the solution of these kind of problems to Homo Sapiens like a "navvy" and focus on new problems, which Homo Sapiens is not in a condition to solve.
I.e., Homo Sapiens is a BioRobot, which can solve problems only when being well-configured by Homo Galacticus as "software"-wise. Every previous species before Homo Sapiens are also "bio-robots", that have been preconfigured by the superior species that came after them.
All scientific discoveries in the history of our Civilization were made by people who after 2020 will begin transform into Homo Galacticus – some already living on Earth and others about to be born.
4. Direction of Migration in the Galaxy.
After 2033, Homo Sapiens and Homo Galacticus will part ways forever. The first one will fly with below-critical speed (part of the range of light) inwards of the galaxy in search of younger solar systems, fit for life, since our Solar System will soon die (the Sun will begin a process of expansion to the asteroid belt).
Homo Glacticus will fly with super-light speeds towards bhrethren by mind (to the periphery of the Galaxy) to unite with them.
Of course, the dark forces on Earth will try to prevent all this and because of that it may not happen or slow down, but our science is ready to start this technical super revolution, when society becomes normal... I.e. we need a social revolution, which need to change this ridiculous system by means of that the mafia is governing us now...
5. Additude in Super-Light Speeds.
Because Homo Sapiens doesn't have a spirit, it cannot move with above-critical speeds. If he does that, he will be destroyed (annihilated). With the help of superluminal speeds, Homo Galacticus will be constantly purified and will become more and more perfect…
6. Attitude Towards the Environment, the Habitat and the Available Circumstances.
* Homo Sapiens ADAPTS to the environment, to the circumstances, to the natural conditions, to the societal conditions, but NOT BY MEANS OF SELF-DEVELOPMENT, NOT BY MEANS OF ACHIEVING NEW QUALITIES, but by means of fully DEPLETING its AVAILABLE qualities and knowledge, left by the superior species. If by any chance, Homo Sapiens happen to be in a place or situation that is not standard to him, he will subconsciously COPY another attitude, which has been developed by another individual beforehand. Because Homo Sapiens doesn't have a creative, but an IMITATIVE thinking, he doesn't have a spirit. I.e. Homo Sapiens doesn't have for a goal to develop, to be superior, to gain new qualities, but it has for a goal to ADAPTS. This is the reason why he is succeptible to DEGRADATION (moral, psychological, physiological) UNDER PRESSURE FROM THE ENVIRONMENT.
* Homo Galacticus CHANGES HIMSELF, CHANGES THE ENVIRONMENT AND ADAPTS THE ENVIRONMENT TO THE LAWS OF NATURE. As oppose to the old species, the new species develops on a new creative and intellectual level in non-standard situations and prefers to die, instead of degrade, while the first one prefers to degrade, instead of dying...
Science and technologies were always created by the leading, last biological species with the goal of REALIZATION and CHANGE OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN ORDER TO MOLD IT ACCORDING TO HIS STRIVE FOR DEVELOPMENT, and the old species has always followed the new imitatively. a3
7. The Flight Machines of Homo Galacticus for transportation above the Earth and in space with super-light speeds almost perfectly will look like the one below. Homo Sapiens will also move with such flighting machines, but they will not move with sub-critical light speeds. There are also sub-critical light speeds, in which Homo Sapiens will not be destroyed, he will be cleansed and will feel good.
The people of art often foresee the future by guesswork. That's way,
the fiction of Jules Verne has long been a fact. If society and people were normal,
the spacecraft shown would have been a fact 25 years ago (it is now 2024).
The flight apparatus, which you see on the picture and the animation on the left is ALREADY a SCIENTIFIC (THEORETICAL) REALITY. But do not digest the word “theory” in its vulgar meaning (a fabrication, falsification), but as a plan, as a scheme and a project for action. This apparatus achieves negative gravity and will be in condition to reach the most far-off locations on Earth within 20 to 30 minutes. These distances could be overcomed even for parts of a second, but you will see the calculations in the book, where they are made.
Travel to the Moon will be shortened to 3 hours; travelling to Mars – to 3 days. During certain conditions, this time will be shortened several times.
Our scientists can produce the first flight apparatus like this one in 2 years, but only in the condition that we change capitalism with communism or at least with
We have immediate connection through internet with those scientists and when they produce these flight machines, you will be the first to be notified. You can send your contacts HERE and when they are ready, we will notify you. But it's up to all of us to end capitalism in our society. Else we have no chance of survival, let alone thinking about technologies like this one.
100% ecologically clean, 100% renewable, 100% inexhaustible and 100% free energy (with the exception of the cheap devices for its production) will allos the most largest stadiums, for example, to be warmed or cooled always and anytime. All of this could be a fact of society developed normally. You can imagine it yourself.
On the pictures below you see, that free energy is not a myth. Look how many people have working models, which prove the existence of that capability. But most of them probably don't have a scientific theory like us in order to make it mass-appliable, for example in transport, energetics, cosmonautics, in the everyday life etc.
You probably understand yourself why owners and producers of fuels will not let the new engines and flight devices happen. They control the media, they make turnovers and political assassinations, wars with non-existent reasons. I.e. if the world societal system stays the same, never will these new engines and flight devices be realized. If you want to help for this progress, you can become our distributor (affiliate, partner etc.), in order for the knowledge to be reached by the right people, who, with their minds, will change the world. a4
(This is not only for attraction and entertainment):
The video above is with one of our colleagues from 2012 as a 55-year old, but now (2024), he is even better as a 67 years old. (The recording is very bad, but, back then, those were all of his financial capabilities...) When he runs, he never opens his mouth – he always breathes through his nose even in sprint, power exercises or jogging. a5
The Most Important Topic:
about Universe, Human and Societal Development, and their Interactions
We will show you fateful knowledge and guidance not only for high-level sport achievements, but also for people who want to improve their health and/or cure the so called “incurable” diseases.
According to our world-renowned prophetess, Grandmother Vanga (above), the book on the left is
which contains the greatest past and future discoveries in human history. With these scientific discoveries, we will be able to create
With the help of this great book, we will study the scientific basics of integration of humanity with brethren by reason in the Galaxy. This book is for the technical interterstellar development of our civilization through the fundamental sciences mathematics and physics for realization (understanding and application) of the laws of space.
But our first goal is to master the cosmic laws for development of the human and his society, so if you want to study the technical and physic principles, you have to buy this book separatley. The author have intentionally put a laughingly-low price, because without our popular explanation, this book is hard and non-applicable to non-mathematicians.
This is why we continue with the principles for the development of the personality and society. If it was normal, all technologies from this book would be a fact long ago.
Our book has a goal of making people and society normal, so that Vanga's prediction is realized. But the successes have been prophesied not only by Vanga. We also know about Slava Sevriukova, as well as two world-renowned russian prophetesses, who have never met one another. A great spiritual leader of ours, Petar Danov also stated, that Bulgaria is called and destined to be the leader of Humanity. And here, we explain by the path of logic WHY this should happen. Take a look at the contents of a5-001
Don't worry – the new scientific discoveries here are explained in simplе terms. Standard and official scientists intentionally make explanations more complicated in order to look smarter and more scientific. It's a trick that is viewed as an advantage and gives a false sense of reality about the certain individual. The quantity of empty words mean to hide the actual truth...
Discoveries in the field of sports are also sensational…
…they have one and the same nature with technological inventions because
they are based on the same basic physical laws, on the same energies...
If a person perfectly controls these energies, he will perfectly control himself and the societal relations in which he has activities. I.e. we can control our weight (energy ), our health – our bioenergy as an immunity that destroys any external pests and restores the structure of the body according to the model of the perfect energy body (energy
), our psychic, SOUL (energy
), our logical thinking, as well as SPIRIT (energy
). All energies after that on the right, like
and etc. we cannot control, but they circulate in the general spectrum in our organism.
We see that the cosmic energy contains in itself an entire gamma of well-known (in standard science) energies – ,
. If we master the more higher frequencies from
and above including, the lower frequencies
will be easier to control.
You see with your own eyes that our science already understands the highest levels of frequencies that are possible to control. We can say that the official and avanguard sciences have already gained control over energy , with which chemical bodies vibrate. But official science still cannot understand the level of energy
(the electromagnetic waves). I.e. for official science, the process of controlling of energy
is still not completed. And exactly those frequencies are a source of 100% ecologically clean, 100% renewable, 100% unlimited and 100% FREE energy.
It's our privilege, given to us by nature, to understand and control the energies on the highest level . This means that nature has trust in us since it shows its intimate secrets. If we cannot understand levels
, Nature will not allow us to go further. Nature doesn't tolerate emptiness and jumping over historical stages. That is why Nature allows us to have good control over level
. But because we build our own body and our society on vicious principles, Nature does not give us full control over levels
and no control over levels
and so called.
Mastering any range of energies requires knowledge, understanding, logical thinking, cosmic morality and will, which in official (formal) authority completely lacks. Therefore, it is madness to hope that official authority will guide us. It simply parasitizes over our work and self-sacrifices.
We repeat, official (formal) science will never generate a scientific discovery. Official (formal) science sabotages progress, because it's a slave to the giant geopolitical puppeteers and corporations, interested only in capital gain.
Progress lowers costs, increases effectiveness, productivity and usefulness of the processes and devices.
But the official (formal) power wants to keep progress only for itself, to cut off the people from progress and to control, steal and reduce them through progress.
If all people benefited freely and harmoniously from the progress, there would be no need for states, country borders, parties, governments, politicians, parliaments, municipal councils, etc. terrorist organizations and individuals.
This is precisely the purpose of our scientific works – to show people what should be the structure of society according to natural laws so that all people can prosper without the above-mentioned parasites! We also will show how a person should develop according to natural laws so that he never gets sick, prospers, is happy and does good for other people!
Along with the unveiling and defining of all 7 energy fields, our science reveals for the first time in history:
which people want to discover and control ever since the dawn of humanity, is already defined mathematically and physically. I.e. all of us are in the beginning of a NEW ERA,
1. Why the Quantum of Life, called Spirit, is the first smallest and unseparable particle of life.
2. Where Does Life Come From, i.e. where does the Quantum of Life come to Earth for the first time, i.e.
3. Where Does the Spirit Come to Earth from for the first time?
4. What is Spirit (the contents of the Spirit) or the contents of Life.
5. Which energy does the spirit consume priority – wise?…
The answers to all 5 questions are very simple:
Examine very carefully the image below, which shows the stages of forming of life.
This is no fantasy, no conjecture, no hypothesis, no religion, no divination, no clairvoyance. This has been proven by mathematical calculations for the first time in history.
Only the ratios of the sizes of the objects shown are not real, since in real scale proportions they would be very small and would not be visible on the picture. But the actual meaning of the things that are portrayed on the picture will have fateful implications. What is shown is the sequence of development of intelligent life and how it goes outside of the “universe”.
1. The “universe” (there's a reason it's in quotes), in which we live, is a sphere with a diameter of (approximately 100 billion light years) and continues to expand.
2. The word “universe” (all) is in quotes, because we see, that the universe is not infinite, it has an exact size and a confinement to be overcomed.
3. The so called „universe“ is placed in another, larger sphere, where there are a number of 1022 other “universes”, similiar to our own “universe”.
4. From our point of view, i.e. from the inside, the sphere in which we live now, for us it's a “universe”, but when we get to exit from it, to us it will be nothing more but an ordinary, trivial star. I.e. we don't live in a universe, but in a limited world (a star), a small particle in a much larger star, along with many other stars.
5. In our world there are three types of intelligent life, as follows:
Artificial intelligence has pointed out several variants of terms to better understand the essence of life. The topic was put by us before science (mathematics and physics) for the first time in the world, and therefore we may not have found the most suitable terms. You can help us with your opinion on other options for naming the Types of Cosmic Life Forms:
1. Inferior (Lower) Life (our Life) – Homo Sapiens, which cannot leave the star system and cannot travel with hyper-light speeds.
Other naming options: Low-level cosmic life; Primitive cosmic life; Nascent cosmic life; Stellar life, etc.
2. Superior Life – Homo Galacticus (The galactic human), which can travel with hyper-light speeds. He begins his development from the middle of the radius of every galaxy and ends it in the periphery of the same galaxy.
Other naming options: Transcendent life; Ultra-terrestrial life; Galactic life; InterStellar life, etc.
3. Ultra Superior Life – Homo Spiritus (The spiritual man) – this is a unification of galactic lives. Homo Spiritus will go outside the world (the star), in which it lives forever, just before the world reaches 1036 cm. After 1036 cm, the world will start to shrink to a zero initial point and will go into a “sleep”.
Other naming options: Hyperlife; Ultra-superlife; Dimension-transcending life; Ascended life; Godlike life, etc:
6. Outside the star, Homo Spiritus generates a new life around it. I.e. Homo Spiritus is the smallest unseparable particle (quantum) of life – germ, embryo of life.
The three types of intelligent (reasonable) life in brief:
1. Homo Sapiens. a5-002
2. Homo Galacticus.
3. Homo Spiritus.2
Why the official*) (from now on we will call it also formal*)) “medicine” cannot or doesn't want to pay attention to more than half of our vital processes, and by that it cannot or doesn't want to solve the problem of “disease” forever?
*) In the English language, the word “formal” also means “official”. But the folk wisdom clearly distinguishes the two names, as the word "formal" already has the meaning as:
apparent; insubstantial, just enough to pass; outwardly ostentatious, but internally different; seeming; ostensible; imaginary; recorded and then forgotten; ceremonial; cold(ing); soulless; unfriendly; evening loklia, i. only for limited night action (in the dark) and random the rest of the time.
To understand the answers of those two questions, it's not necessary for you to have studied 10 years for a formal doctor. You don't need to study for a degree or even in high school. To understand the answers to those two questions, the only thing that you need is to be normal. Here's a scientific discovery (the graph below), that can be understood even by a student in 5th grade:
Formal “medicine” views living organisms as a closed chemical sytem without an energetic connection to the universe. But the graduate and (ostensibly) “erudite” doctors work with the first range of all energies only.
Partially, formal “medicine” admits the influence of second range (for the nerves) and partially – the third range (for the eyesight)
. These two range, however, influence every cell and system in the human body, without an exception.
All other ranges ,
, etc. are unknown for the formal “medics”, but they also consciously ignore frequencies from
up to
, because information for them exist for millenia in the form of methodologies, practices etc., which help in gaining clarity and mastering them, but to this day, there is still not a single sentence about them in official medical textbooks and scientific works.
On the graph above you see the limited range of influence by formal “medicine”. So it's not a surprise to us that their “achievements” are so (intentionally) limited.
According to formal “medicine”, the most important structures of humans don't exist:
* The Spirit doesn't exist;
* The Soul doesn't exist;
* The Immunity as an energetic impact doesn't exist. Despite them talking about immunity, formal doctors understand it only as a chemical process (antibody) and not as an energetic process;
* The Energetic (Gravitational) Body does not exist…
If you ask, however, some formal “doctors” about the terms above and whether the body and its health are dependent on nature, space and their energies, whether spirit, soul and energetic immunity etc. exist, they will probably say “yes” authoritatively. However, formal doctors never comment, never expand and, most importantly, never put into practice this type of knowledge.
This is why, for formal “medicine”, all of this means nothing:
This is why healing means nothing in formal “medicine”.
This is why, whoever wants to be healthy, vital, productive and happy, needs to search for an answer outside formal dogmas of authority not only in “medicine”, but in all formal institutions right this moment.
THE GREAT PARADOX: According to the understandings and the actions of formal “medicine”, the living organisms are dead, because they don't contain a soul and a spirit. Because only after death, they leave the body. I.e. according to formal “medicine”, the living organisms and human are soulless and spiritless chemical biorobots. They can never explain them fully, they will not talk about them unless asked and, most of all, they will never put them into practice, nor will they be interested in such knowledge, since, ofcourse, it's unrelated to their salaries... a5-003
“It's better to see once than hear a hundred times.”.....
(Bulgarian proverb)......
Yoga is an ancient culture of the Bulgarians (Thracians) and they ennobled the Indian people with this science at the time of great natural cataclysms, which forced the Bulgarians (Thracians) to reach not only Central and Eastern Asia, but also to populate the entire American continent. The Bulgarians (Thracians) never conquered other peoples by violence – only with science, culture and a perfect state structure... The word “conquer” regarding this historical process is not correct – the term “integration” is more fluid... But history does not is our topic – our topic is the future...
VERY IMPORTANT! Don't be scared of the word “yoga”. In fact, yoga is not even an Indian discovery. This term has a lot of synonyms. Actually, people call the same term with different names. But, sadly, this term is still not fully understood and put into practice as it should. But we realized before everyone else, that this term is an applicable science for every human on Earth, for every area in life, for every individual, bcause yoga is
for solving problems of any kind.
Fundamental Mistakes
in explanation, understanding and defining "yoga" as
a term, idea, notion, concept, etc.
Our graphical explanation for the term “yoga” shortens the time for its understanding by at least 100 times. From every theory, philosophy and explanation for yoga across the world, ours is 100 times more understandable and motivating.
The “universe” is a pulsating system. From the Big Bang till now, it continues to expand and its sizes are now From the beginning, there is a process of accumulation of matter from the center and (very important) of division of smaller elements in logical (connected) sequence, similar to a tree..
Every religion talks about its own mystic tree:
“…there's an immortal banyan tree… Whoever knows this tree, also knows the Vedas… The real for of this tree cannot be comprehended in this world…” (Bhagavad Gita)
“…the tree of life amidst the garden and the tree of knowing of the good and the bad.” (Bible, Genesis 2:9)
“…he saw himself by the … undescribable lotus tree.” (Dream vision by Muhammad regarding the Koran)
“A tree of the solving: by Dunker… in the form of hierarchical sequence…” (Dictionary of psychology)
This mystic “tree” is the history of development of the universe, the cause-and-effect relations from one side (“Tree of Life”) and on the other side – how our conscience researches, understands and realizes these cause-and-effect logical relations (“Tree of Knowing of the Good and the Bad.”).
When the sizes of the universe reach, the opposite process will begin – shrinking of the “universe” and instead of division of the structures, there will be a finally unification of life-defining structures. This process has already begun.
The entire process of the Creation and Destruction (the contraction, i.e. the linking, connecting, unificating, unifing, unioning...), you will learn from our other chapters and books, but here we will only point out some facts, which give a New and Expanded Terminology for yoga based on an entirely New Cosmology, according to Epochal Bulgarian Discoveries in physics and mathematics.
What PART of the general Harmoniously Developing Unity (Yoga) is Hatha Yoga (harmonious unity between the structures of the physical body), is subject of study and practice in this book.
The main question in philosophy...: “Which is primary – consciousness or matter?” solved by us for first time in all history – the first that come on Earth is the intelligence (reason), but it contained in a material body. I.e. life and matter have appeared simultaneously, but in different forms, which in the process of development have transformed into one-another.
The mistake of philosophers to this day is that they perceive matter as an inanimate substance preceding living matter, and consciousness – as immaterial.
According to our calculations, non-living matter does not exist, i.e. everything material is a form of life. Consciousness is material because it is energy – energy is material and its smallest structures (elemental particles) also contain life. I.e. everything that exists is life.
1. The First Living Structure derived from the Sun is the fundamental, basic, Primary Quantum of Life (mind, consciousness, abstract logical thinking – in religions is called “SPIRIT”). Other names of the basic quantum: main, initial Germ of Life...
The vector pointing up is time for development of the spirit or phase of the development of the quantum of life. “Quantum” means smallest, indivisible structure of life. If it divide and would be decomposed to more elementary particles, from which it's composed, will be destroyed. The spirit, before leaving a star, is called Homo Spiritus or United Spiritual Galctical Civilizations (see the image above).
2. The Second Living Structure, the vector pointing right-above, is developmnt of the SOUL (psyche, subconscious). There are (2) TWO TYPES of SOULS (male and female). In our physical-mathematical terminology, they are called: Functional Quantum of Life (male) and Independent Quantum of Life (female).
Here, we see the first division and respectively – node or knot (branching, bifurcation, ramification, embranchment). This is the beginning of the development of the soul. In our book “The Unity in the Universe” is proven mathematically (logically) exactly how these quanta of life appear and exactly how cells divide, how male and female beings were formed, etc. But, here we will limit ourselves only with the short graphical illustration in order to give the only unique exact definition of the concept of “Yoga”.
3. The Third Living Structure – the Physical Body. This term does not reflect the truth because all bodies are physical, they are all real, all bodies are material. It's more accurate for this body to be called Gravitational Body, since it's visible and is manifested in our world, which is gravitational. But the need of redefinement of the definitions with more-precise names to each of them will be a longer and harder process, until the New Interstellar Culture of humanity has been built...
The first, fundamental, primary and only structure with separation, division, split; node or knot, etc., has Three Main, Fundamental or Primary Parts (Vectors). After which each of these parts initiates its own separations, complications or divisions in the time in the same
Universal Development Algorithm.
Yoga means Harmoniously Developing Unity, in brief:
1. But not even one of the great yogi knows which are the basic parameters (components), which have to be harmonized and exactly what connects them into a unity. They also don't understand how exactly the process of unity and interaction between these components is being put into motion.
2. Almost all great gurus view yoga only as a system of exercises and other physical and mental techniques – as a process of harmonization, but they don't point out exactly which parameters should be harmonized.
3. This way almot all great gurus reach extremities – some of them train for 10 to 12 hours a day doing asanas, pranayama, meditation etc., and by that they neglect the physical qualities like swiftness, strength, endurance, agility etc. – that is also a disharmony. And every disharmony is anti-yoga.
4. They make intensive practice of asanas, meditation etc., but they neglect activities like sports, mental activity (logical thinking etc.) and psychic (soul) development, which expresses itself in the arts and which leads to another type of imbalance – alkalizing, instead of acidification as in sports and in nous activity. And every imbalance is anti-yoga.
5. If yoga means harmony, then this means, that we should be a all-round developed personalities with above average abilities – even genius. But if you see what the great gurus can do better than other people; whether the gurus are truly universal personalities or is something lacking in them? Then you will make out that the superlatives about them are greatly exaggerated.
There are, however, good examples too for a all-round developed personalities, achieved this through the harmonic development, called “Yoga”. Such is the great Sri Chinmoy, who at least in weightlifting is a genius, and in other areas – an extremely good and prolific author...
Sri Chinmoy is a typical example of a yogi, i.e. a all-round developed (universal) personality:
* author of thousands of musical compositions chanting and glorifing the harmony
* author of thousands of poems
* author of thousands of books
* author of thousands of artistic paintings
* musician playing one hundred of musical instruments
* author of fantastical sport records in various sports
* philosopher, psichologist and psychotherapist
* possesses siddhis (supernatural abilities)
* author of programs for health and anti-crime in UN
* an agent of UN for peace
* organizer of the world peace marathon – 1000 miles for 1 week
* teacher and host of meditation for the main employees in UN.
In 01:25 afternoon, on the 30th of January 1987, on his third attempt, Sri Chinmoy has lifted 7,063¾ pounds (more than 3 tons) with one hand. From the five attempts (in 1:03 p.m., 1:13 p.m., 1:25 p.m., 1:37 p.m., 1:50 p.m.), three of them were completely successful with a total weight above 10 tons (there are other weights, along with the one shown below), which “medicine” and sport science still cannot or do not want explain and that's why they “keep deathlike silence”. This case was documented from 36 televisions and hundreds of journalists, for everyone, except yogis, this is an unexplainable Human Will.
Jim Smith from the Britain Amateur Barbells Organization, who observes Sri Chinmoy from the beginning of his attempt at the record, simply admitted:
“Sri Chinmoy became a reason for us to throw away all of our beliefs for physical development thorugh the window. Sri Chinmoy broke all of our ideas about the “normal laws” of physics. Sri Chinmoy rewrote all physiology textbooks again!”
For this and for much more information about the life of Sri Chinmoy, you can read in his new “Reflections”.
Click the Image to See in Full Size:
But this fantastical record is not discussed in the official sport science or medicine!? Why? Well, to us, it's obvious – because the methods of achieving this record contradicts the White Mafia's interests and profits. (The Medicine of the Official Power)... a5-003a
for solving problems of any kind is based on the
expressed in the following 3 graphics:
The third graph (3) shows a bit more complex (developed) structure (for example) of the human harmonic development. But we can very well use the same graph for illustrating a societal harmonic development. Because, just as the physical body of the person, so as society, are living organisms, which have the same basic structures and obey the same primary laws of nature:
For Personality: Development of the mind.
For Society: Development of science.
For Personality: Development of the psychic (the soul).
For Society: Development of arts and humanitarian sciences.
For Personality: Harmonic physical development with synonim Hatha Yoga.
For Society: Harmonic economical development (material production).
For Personality: Development towards control (unity) of the highest primary energetic frequencies.
For Society: Development towards control (unity) of the most primary laws of nature, on which all others depend (including societal laws).
Position of Hatha Yoga in the overall personality system (branch from all tree is the physical development only):
This is also our scientific contribution to yoga – we show which are the main components of the individual which are to be harmonized, as well as the connection between them. With this, we raise Yoga on an even higher scientific and conscious level and determine that Yoga has several levels of development. Here, for simplification purposes, are presented only 4 levels, but in actuality they are 10. You will see them in detail in next parts of our scientific work.
– Levels of Development.
I.e. Hatha Yoga is only a part of the complete harmonic development of the personality. Hatha Yoga is only a part of the overall yoga concept, which is sinonymous with the complete harmonic development of the personality (could also be named “comprehensive development”, “universal development”, “all-round development”, “sustainable development”, etc.).
The basic (main) doctrine of the UN is, not by accident, called
and this is yoga synonym!
The UN signifies this doctrine of theirs with the label “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” which is synonymous with Yoga.
ATTENTION! After the World Forum “Rio 92” and until about 2005, the UN was a perfect international organization. Every country, region, district, enterprise, labor collective, etc., implemented even just on trust any program of the United Nations for sustainable development, its economic development developed revolutionary. At that time and on the same occasion, the World Watch Institute said: “The economic development of India and China is simply breathtaking!”.
But the world mafia saw that it would be destroyed by world progress and bet “mad money” in bribes and installing saboteurs in the highest levels of government in the United Nations. Thus, the programs of the UN have become only “bare slogans” and this world organization, together with its subdivisions, has become an instrument of the world banking mafia.
ATTENTION: The classification by the UN of their structures (1. Economy; 2. Society; 3. Environment) is occasional and is not in accordance to the actual classification of the basic natural functions, as they are with us. The labeling of the same concept with different names (1. Yoga and 2. Sustainable Development) means that the 2 notions are not in accordance with each other or that their connection with nature is not clear. But, still, we are happy that at least, even by accident, the UN (even only by idea) choses the right goal: Harmonic Development. So, in essence, the right goal of the UN in the past was Yoga!
We would be even more happy if people who work there understand that Sustainable development and Yoga are one and the same concept, i.e. they are sinonyms. The important part is that they respect Yoga exceptionally well.
“The celebration of the International day of Yoga underlines the important role of the healthy way of living for the realization of the goals of the Sustainable development, accepted in 2016 from all 193 member states of the UN.”
The four (4) fundamental (primary) functions of development in Hatha Yoga. This is a completely new scientific definition of Yoga, i.e. harmonic development with three gravitational functions ,
and one spiritual function
The functions for gravitational (still called incorrectly “physical”) development are ,
(pH+ – acid development) and have a direction of
, but the functions
with a direction of
(pCO– – alkaline development) they are asanas, pranayama, alkalizing food, cleansing/detoxification of the organism… And from the lack of understanding of the basic relations, shown on the image, therefore, with that also comes: a5-004
in understanding, perceiving, determination, definition and practicing of Yoga
Almost all, even big gurus percieve Yoga only as a development of in a direction of pCO– (alkaline development). I.e. as a development of flexibility (asanas and pranayama), which is a gigantic and unforgivable mistake. This leads to a deformation in development only around one pole – the alkaline one. pCO– (oxygen excess) – an imbalance towards alkalinity, while the mistake of the sportsmen is the deformation in development only towards the acidic pole (pH+ – oxigen deficiency). I.e. when there's a deformation towards one of the poles, there's a disharmony, i.e. anti-yoga. I.e. if people make only asanas, pranayamas, meditations etc., just how most great gurus do for 8-10 hours a day, without development of
(swiftness, strength, endurance), i.e. without developing their sports qualities, then that means that they perform anti-yoga (disharmony), even though they do so-called yoga-exercises (physical or mental).
These main (basic) mistakes, from which many other appear as a consequence of the main ones, are the biggest reason for the lack of mass application of Yoga in our society in a way for it to be a mass culture like is the use of the electricity in everyday life. The lack of awareness, as well as mistakes in understanding subconsciously hinders motivation.
It's the same when only one or even two of the main three (3) structures are being developed – for example, only in the logical thinking (the mind), only in emotions (in arts – the soul) or both, without the personality developing physically... Yoga means a complete harmonic development between each functions, inedpendent of the system, which we have in mind (nature, society, country, industry department, enterprise, individual etc.).
Sometimes a lot of theoretics of yoga put different adjectives with the word “yoga”. For example, integral yoga, complex yoga, complete yoga, full yoga, holistic yoga, etc., which are a complete tautology, because yoga includes all similar adjectives by default and by definition:
(⇑⇓) Development of mind (reason), i.e. conscious development with two poles
, and with their own sub-functions:
1. (⇑ ) Development of memory, speed of thinking, concentration of mind, reaching solutions for adequate actions, researching of facts, creativeness, will...
✅ towards implementation, i.e. towards materialization
✅ performance of tasks assigned by creators that are higher and paramount in the creative hierarchy
✅ fulfilment, awarenessq development and realization of material qualities of the mind
✅ all with a direction of upwards, i.e. all towards ,
and ⇑.
2. (⇓ ) Development of logical thinking, discovery of interconnections between phenomena and their direction of development in the entire system, understanding of more and more basic, more primary, more fundamntal reasons, wisdom...
☑️ towards root causes, which all derivative causes and censequences depend on
☑️ discovery of new and unknown from humans natural laws, which are a root cause of next laws in the overal natural and societal law hierarchy
☑️ connected, relational (with the root-causes) thinking
☑️ fulfilment, awareness and realization of abstract-logical thinking
☑️ all towards expanding of spiritual qualities of the mind, or
☑️ all with a direction of downwards, i.e. all towards ,
and ⇓.
(⇗⇙) Soulic psychic, subconscious) development with two poles and their sub-functions:
1. (⇗ ) Emotional development, mimics, body language, imitation, mastery over musical instrument or expression through another type of art, suggesting thoughts and feelings of surrounding people
✅ towards showing, expression, implementation of our own emotions that evoke corresponding feelings, emotions and some subconscious activity in other people.
✅ fulfilment, awareness, manifestation, demonstration, appearance, suggestion and realization of our own psychic qualities for subconscious effect on people.
✅ all with a direction of upwards, i.e. all towards and ⇗;
2. (⇙ ) Development of sensitivity, empathy, sixth sense, prediction, reading thoughts, prevision, clairvoyance etc.
☑️ training our subconscious and sensitivity to harness ever higher frequency energies to communicate with other beings on Earth and in the cosmos.
☑️ development of our abilities of subconscious communication between ourselves and other people, as well as between us and beings of higher intelligence, or between us and all available information in central gravitational masses that are called by religions “gods”.
☑️ towards root causes, which all derived causes and effects depend on
☑️ all towards expanding of our own soulic (psychic) qualities as:
☑️ self-upbringing of our sense of responsibility and duty, empathy, compassion, self-criticism, responsiveness, selflessness, sympathy, affection, liking, love, etc.
☑️ all with a direction of downwards, i.e. all towards ,
and ⇙;
(⇖⇘) Physical (gravitational) development of the body, overcoming of the gravitational interaction of the body with the Central gravitational mass (in this case Earth, but it could also be another celestial body...) with two poles and their sub-functions:
1. (⇖ ) Realization, utilization, manifestation of the physical (gravitational) qualities, i.e. physical labor, sports, all kinds of physical load, which is being performed under lack of oxygen (speed, strength, endurance and in-between them) and anything which causes an increase of acidity, i.e. of pH+, and reducing alkalinity, i.e. of pCO–.
✅ all with a direction of upwards, i.e.
✅ towards showing, expressing, implementation, i.e.
✅ realization of the material qualities of the gravitational (physical) body
✅ all towards and ⇖.
2. (⇘ ) Massages, asanas, pranayama, meditation, correct (balanced alkaline-acid) eating and anything that increases the alkalinity (pCO–) of the body and reduces acidity (pH+)...
☑️ all with a direction of downwards,
☑️ all towards spiritual qualities of the gravitational (physical) body, i.e.
☑️ towards the root causes, which all derivative causes for implementation of the gravitational body depend on or
☑️ all towards and ⇘.
Regarding point 3, we offer you the best guide for the development of the so-called “material” body, called by us – gravitational:
For understanding of most physical (gravitational), mental and psychic processes in our body, we also have other popular-science works that you can find HERE.
Spiritual development. As seen, this is the GENERAL development towards the root causes of all
abilities, i.e. development towards
. From here, we come to the conclusion that:
when an individual develops spiritual qualities of one of all ,
qualities, it becomes a main premise for development of the rest of the two main qualities as well. But they would not be implemented, i.e. no one will see and understand them if we don't make effort in realizing and implementing them. But when some spiritual quality is being developed, the realization and implementation of every other quality becomes faster, easier and more effective.
With this, it can be explain why yoga or more specifically the practicing of asanas, pranayama, alkaline food, meditation etc. (development toward the root causes, i.e. towards is the fastest, the easiest and the most effective way for us to develop and implement, i.e. realize all our qualities without exception. Because all opposing (negative) poles of
are positioned in the GENERAL, PRIMARY, BASIC, UNIVERSAL vector of development, the vector of oneness, the vector of harmony, vector of the root causes
I.e. spiritual development implements oneness between all ,
physical functions. I.e. without spiritual development there is no unity between the physical functions. I.e. weak spiritual development causes weak implementation of all of our qualities. Or if the spiritual development is interrupted, so too the physical functions are interrupted too and their oneness is being compromised. For example – the mind begins to lose control over the physical body (parkinson). Or the psychic cannot connect you in unity with the emotions of other people (psychopathy)…
This is why, subconsciously, big gurus define yoga as UNITY. But you see that we are the only ones in the world who show the exact basic structures and interactions of this UNITY. All other theoretics of yoga doesn't understand exactly which are the structures of unity and their interconnection, as well as their direction of development and their chemical equivalents pH+ and pCO–.
Example for perfection in Hatha Yoga are the masters of martial arts, which have developed harmonically their sports qualities , as well as their flexibility
through asanas, pranayama, psychic techiques, healthy diet etc. But they won't be perfect and harmonic individuals (yogi), if they haven't developed their logical thinking for solving of problems (scientific thinking – branch
), as well as if they haven't developed skills in arts – branch
Watch the VIDEO below, which shows examples of perfect hatha yogi (martial art masters):
From a lack of equilibrium (imbalance), caused by a lack of oxygen, a following distortion of the entire body system is being formed (see to the left).
By practicing ONLY sports (acid pH+ development), without practicing alkalizing pCO– exercices and activities, an anti-yoga is being resulted, i.e. specialization only in one or 2 activities (2 vectors). For example – only swiftness or only endurance, without the other 2 activities or combinations of 2 specializations, without the left-out 1 type of activity (below).
But even if there's a harmonic combination of all 3 types (swiftness, strength, endurance), without flexibility (asanas, pranayama, alkalizing foods...), there's still anti-yoga. That's a deficit of spiritual and soul qualities.
Lack of equilibrium (presence of imbalance) from excess of oxygen and/or from lack of acidity (see below).
⇐ Only alkaline development (only spiritual development) is again anti-yoga, an imbalance towards pole
. In this case – imbalance towards pCO–. I.e. now all people en masse and even big gurus practise yoga in this incorrect way, shown on the image on the left. I.e. this is a lack or poorly developed “physical” (gravitational) qualities.
The graph below expresses harmonic, balanced development – balance between the chemical poles and
, i.e. a balance between pH+ and pCO– (balance between acids and alkalis), balance between physical and spiritual abilities, balance between gravitational energies
and spiritual (cosmic) energies
. And this balance is called YOGA, i.e. yoga is Harmonious and Sustainable Development:
Below is shown how the imbalance from the lack of oxygen (acidification) leads to lack of spirituality and morale – an apathic and soulless “development”, according to the scale of frequencies. You can see below the “eclipse” of the soul and the spirit:
This type of imbalance is darkening, depersonalizing and interfering with the implementation of the soul and the spirit. It interferes with the empathy (lack of sensitivity towards the condition of other) and also hinders the logical thinking. It leads to a shift towards more materialistic values and goals for the individual. It's a deficit of spiritual and soul qualities, i.e. this leads to a full savagery.
This is how an imbalance from an excess of oxygen (alkalizing) leads to a lack of physical qualities (speed, strength, endurance, agility...) according to the scale of the frequencies. You can see below the “eclipse” of the physical qualities:
In this kind of imbalance, the soul and the spirit dominate, but they also are distancing themselves from the physical body, which fogs the consciousness, depersonalizes the individual and, during this imbalance, a person becomes inadequate, with paralogical thinking, with mental and physical problems and ilnesses. The mind order to the body, but the body cannot fulfill the mind's orders...
This is why, if you want to become a good yogi, i.e. a wholesome and harmonically developed personality, then this book will not be enough for you – this is only the beginning. But don't be discouraged – Hatha Yoga has a direct influence and control over all human structures and functions. Hatha Yoga is the shortest (even revolutionary) way for development of all undividual qualities. Furthermore – Hatha Yoga influences not only the particular individual, who practices it, but also the entire society.
I.e. the more people practice yoga techniques, which according to the new definition includes sports (physical labor), science and arts, the more all public relations will become better and more natural. This is because a majority of people develop disharmoniously and therefore, human relations also become disharmonious and unnatural.
In order for you to understand the entire mechanism of influence of Hatha Yoga over the individual and over society, you will have to master the knowledge and scientific discoveries, described in our other books. a5-005
It's not possible to understand yoga as a cosmic science, without understanding the structure of the universe. And when you understand them, you will have an opportunity to understand yourself and society as a composite and interdependent part of these structures. If you perceive yourself (like the vast majority of the people) as isolated, independent, separate from the cosmic structures or you're not interested in your connection with them at all, then your understanding for yourself and society will be separate from reality as well. Your actions and realizations will not become a reality as well.
The first obvious fact, that yoga is a cosmic science, was shown on the graphs above, which show the seven cosmic energies, whose totality the yogi call “prana”, martial arts call “chi”..., circulating and transforming in our organism. It's not possible for the ancient (aboriginal) humans to have reached those knowledge alone. They even describe the channels of the body through which these energies are moving and even practice with them, for which there is a major quantity of knowledge and a large quantity of useful and positive practice, for which formal medicine keeps grave silence. It's not possible for both the practice of yoga and martial arts to be so perfectly precised from these same natives who haven't had science, and earlier, when they've already had this knowledge, they didn't even had alfabet literacy.
It's clear that someone else, non-terrestrial intellect has teached our ancestors. If yoga was founded as a science and practice from terrestrial citizens, it would have been a mass culture long ago due to the degree of its major usefulness, instructiveness and due to it being a tool for solving problems of any kind. The performances and exercises of these practices don't require understanding, but absolute obedience and imitation, which is a good reason for that science to be handed over (to be preserved) from teacher to student for hundreds of thousands of years, but it's not a reason enough (as we see) to explain adequately the fantastic results of yogi, as well as to be a reason for turning yoga into a mass culture, which we are observing for example in the world trade.
This is why we claim that yoga has an alien origin. There's also tangible proof for this, but we will skip them so that we don't detract you from our scientific theory. Let's start with the description of the structure of the universe. There's another word for describing the term “universe”. This is the word “God”. But when the universe is being discussed, the majority of people don't understand the term “God”, because they think that they see EVERYTHING from the universe. Or that they're not interested more than that which they see. They think that such quantity as “God” cannot be seen, cannot be described mathematically, which “mantra” called “cannot” brainwashing us with millennia by formal institutional dogmas, called religion.
The same institutions state that “God” is unknowable, non-reachable, or else he would not be a God, when in practice, the universe is knowable, because we find and we use its laws (of nature).
This is not, however, how unofficial (informal), i.e. normal science (our one) thinks, which explained (proved) what is the structure of the universe, i.e. the structure of “God”. a5-005a
The notion or concept “GOD” is a completely calculable, physical quantity. The physical essence of God doesn't hinder it also having a spiritual essence. But these two terms (physical and spiritual) are also calculable material quantities, which we will show in detail further ahead in other work of ours. Here, we will show only some of the main moments, which are proper for an INTRODUCTION to these collosal discoveries.
I.e. our Epochal scientific discoveries liquidate completely the mystic around the understanding of the connection between man and cosmos, whether man can (or cannot) communicate with God and ...whether he can (or cannot) visit him? The answers of these questions, which humanity asks itself, as well as many other questions, which humanity haven't thought about asking, make religions irrelevant and useless. But regardless, religions, in this case also formal science, do not serve people in answers of questions and solving problems, but serve in keeping people into mental (slave) dependence on the governing such so that people are being forever turned into tools for profits and power in the hands of perverted mutants.
P.=.{0, 1, 2, 3, 4…};
n.=.{… –4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …}
The abbreviation “VS” comes from the first two letters of the Bulgarian word “UNIVERSE”, written in Latin as “VSELENA”.
Here, I note the crucially important and fateful point that the word “universe” and the word “God” are synonymous. It is now taken for granted, by implication, that God is something other, different than matter, that God created matter, and therefore the universe is apart from God ruling it. This is not so. Everything that exists is God and everything less than him is an element of it, a component, a cell or an instrument of God. I.e. we humans are an element, component, cell or instrument of God.
Just as we, the higher organisms called 'humans', are composed of tens of billions of cells, which are the elements, components or instruments by which we manage our lives and consciousness, so the relationship (correlation, interaction) between God and us humans' is in the same similarity (resemblance, likeness) as between our consciousness and our cells.
In other words, each man is God in relation to his bodily cells—that is, we, like God, do not care about our cells (except when they give us trouble) and have left them to self-regulate among themselves without knowing what they are doing. These cells are rational beings and are governed by the general rules of God by which we are governed. I.e. God only created the rules, and Nature fulfills them. Likewise, God made the rules, and we have to follow and fulfills them if we don't want trouble. a5-005b
Above I defined the synonyms like this:
But to be clear and precise, I will also briefly list synonyms of the word “term”, which elucidate this specific concepts:
term ⇒ name, appellation, denomination, designation, heading... So, I continue:
The mathematical formula above is now emposing us to call everything that we see in this moment, what the astronomical tools, optic and radio telescopes show and which formal science still calls “universe”. This is not „universe“, but “World”, because this world is a very small, microscopic particle from the universe, expressed with its other synonymous name “god”. And so, we continue with the mathematical definitions:
* n – “n” is a number, which expresses the numeric ratio in relation to our world:
* the number “0” expresses the primary, the starting system (our world or all other worlds like ours, which are contained in the orb, which contains our world).
* minus (–n); * plus (+n):
* the minus (–) expresses a world which is a composite part from our world.
* the plus (+) expresses a world, which contains our world, along with other worlds like our in it.
* the number 'n' expresses a number of levels for the given world or a number of transition from/to the given world.
* P.=.1 whole, indivisible number.
* The numerical expression n.=.0 expresses our world (still called “universe”) or worlds like ours, which are contained in the orb, which contains our world, as well as these worlds, named “0”.
* The numerical expression n.=.–1 expresses worlds, which are being contained in our world. Those are stars themselves. The expression n.=.–1 this is also our star – the Sun. The value of “n” is 1022 pieces.
* The mathematical expression (...–4, –3, –2, –1) means a gradation of smaller and smaller worlds contained within our world or inside in worls which are taken as starting point or starting system.
* n.=.–2 those are the protons – stars inside of our stars.
* n.=.–3 those are the photons – clouds of stars in the protons.
* n.=.–4 those are the gravitons – clouds of stars in the photons.
* n.=.–5 . . . . . . . . . . etc.
I repeat with other differend definitions:
* The numerical expression n.=.0 expresses our world still so-called “universe”. This is our starting point or starting system.
* n.=.+1 is the larger world, which contains n worlds like ours.
* n.=.+2 is the larger world, which contains n worlds like the worlds from the type +1.
* n.=.+3 is the larger world, which contains n worlds like the worlds from the type +2.
* n.=.+4 . . . . . . . . . . . etc.
* Our world is written with a numerical expression K(0)P. This is our starting point or starting system.
* The worlds inside in our world (the stars), here are written with a numerical expression
K(–1)P. This is the inside (in relation to us) worls.
* The world we are going out into after we leave this world here, is written with the mathematical expression K(+1)P.
This is the Beyond, i.e. from the other side (the Outside) of our world. I.e. K(+1)P is the next largest world. This is a mathematical definition for the Outer in relation to us world that contains 1022 number of worlds like our world. Naturally, since this world contains such a huge amount of worlds of the same dimensions like our world, then this world is larger than ours.
K(+1)P – this is the mathematical definition for the Otherworld (Outerworld, Aftherworld, Upperworld, Nextworld...).
K(–1)P – this is the mathematical definition again for the Otherworld but this time it refers to Netherworld, Underworld, Precedingworld, Previousworld, Formerworld, Pastworld...
In other words, our world K(0)P is situated, contained, in the larger world denoted by the formula K(+1)P.
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