for solving problems of any kind
005(C). Beyond the World (Beyond the “Universe”) (Beyond “God”) – definition of the terms “Outer World”, “Next World”, “NetherWorld”, “Hell” and “Heaven”.
005(D). Critical (Borderline) Speeds for transition Between the Worlds (transition between the “universes”).
005(E). Structure of the Universe (Structure of “God”).
005(F). Normal Terminal Age for Homo Sapiens and Homo Galacticus.
005(G). Immortality, Resurrection and Rebirth – mathematical and historical evidence.
005(H). Soul and Spirit – definition and differences between one another.
005(I). Yoga integrates the individual with the cosmic consciousness and overcomes distance between the stars.
006. Which are the last 3 Rebirths of Albert Einstein?
Which are the last 3 Rebirths of Isaac Newton?
007. Historical Proof for Homo Galacticus, Immortality, Rebirth, Resurrection and Yoga.
6. The New Bible of the New Millenium.
....Free publication as bonus to you:
7. Mandatory Literature for your personal harmonious development (for your happiness) and for your growth as a competent leader of the societal harmonious development. Our new works and standard (classic) works for world progress.
All the following links belong to PART 1
Therefore, these links will open in a NEW WINDOW.
Or choose PART 1 directly!
1. New Civilization – Why? Characteristics of the new civilization. The new biological species, called Homo Galacticus, superior to Homo Sapiens defines the New Interstellar Cosmic Civilization on Earth.
2. The Great Bulgarian Interstellar Complex Revolution. Verbal and graphic expression of the concept (notion and definition) of the word “revolution”.
✔️ Types of Revolutions.
✔️ The End Goal of Nature and Revolutions.
✔️ The Biological (Last) Revolution on Earth. If it succeeds, never again on Earth will there be revolutions…
✔️ Four Ways of Realization (rationalization and awareness) of the full capabilities of the New Human Biological Species.
✔️ Differences between Homo Sapiens and Homo Galacticus.
3. Flight and Energy Production Technologies for the new biological species and new nature limitations for the old species. Solving the problems of energetics, transport, ecology (plane and other types of crashes...). These devices will work with 100% clean (ecological), 100% inexhaustible and 100% FREE ENERGY.
4. Some of Our Sport Achievements.
5. The Most Important Topic: New Epochal Discoveries About Human and Societal Development.
001. Human Development and the Greatest Secret.
002. Why official medicine can't and/or don't want to control more than half of our vital body processes and thus not being able to and/or don't want to solve the problem named “diseases” forever? What does this “half” of our vital processes represent?
003. Universal Algorithm of Development for Cosmos, Nature, Human, Society and their Interactions.
003(A). YOGA – THE UNIVERSAL METHODOLOGY for solving problems of any kind is based on the UNIVERSAL DEVELOPMENT ALGORITHM (CONTINUATION). Understanding Yoga in UN (United Nations).
004. Main (Basic) Mistakes in comprehension, understanding, defining and practicing Yoga. Reasons for Defilement of the World Yoga Movement.
005. Why Yoga is a Cosmic Science?
005(A). Mathematical Formula of GOD. I.e. “God” is completely calculable (REAL, comprehensive) material entity. And why at the same time, it's also a spiritual entity.
005(B). Worlds and/or “Universes” – New Definition of the term “universe” (“GOD”). a5-005c
In short, excluding the actual ratio of the sizes of the worlds, which cannot be depicted in a picture, here in the following graph the worlds are shown actually as they are contained within each other, together with the many worlds that are now called the Hereafter (The OuterWorld, Paradise, Heaven). I.e. the OuterWorld is not just one, i.e. the Heaven is not just one, that is. The Beyond is not only one, not unique, i.e. Heaven is not only one, not unique, but is а number called “n” expressed by the mathematical symbol for infinity (±∞) and/or by the other mathematical symbol:
… –4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …:
The Paradise (the Heaven) according to religions means happiness, well-being, abundance of useful goods and prosperity. But no religion can, nor does it want to (can't because it doesn't want to and doesn't want to because it can't) explain this happiness. However, our science explains it by mathematical calculatins. In short, the happiness from Paradise (from the Hereafter) is realized when we realize our liberation from “material” (“physical” > in our more correct terminology – from gravitational) dependencies, when one attains superpowers known to yogis and martial artists as “siddhis”, i.e. when everything can be realized (“materialized”) only through the mind, without “physical” (correct: gravitationa) labor. Such mental labor without much effort can give us well-being, abundance of useful goods, prosperity and happiness...
Perfect proof that terrestial people haven't dicovered yoga unassisted, on own, but yoga was imported on Earth from other (extraterrestial) civilizations, is the complete jumble in the definition of the word with the terms outer world, the other world, afterlife, heaven, hell etc. It makes an impression that, bulgarian words, much clearer and shorter express such terms in comparison to other languages, which leads us to the thought that bulgarians have recieved these knowledges first or that they have been more perfect in order to realize them. Below, we show words and phrases, which bulgarians and english people serve themselves with.
Bulgarian words and phrases (take a careful look at the image above, as well as the first one. Otherwise it will be hard for you to understand the reasoning below):
- Следващ(ият) свят [(the) next world or afterworld, the hereafter] – meaning, that in this world we've already walked our way and a next stage of our development is pending. This stage will continue in the next world, which contains 1022 number of worlds like our world. The mathematical expression of the next world is K(+1)P or K(1)P, since the initial system (the starting point or starting system) is now our one, indicated with zero – K(0)P. The only world in which we can exit (enter) from our one, is K(1)P.
Оня (онзи) свят (that world, other world) – unclear meaning. It could mean both the outer (next) world, in which we will enter, going out of this world, as well as every other world from each of the 1022 worlds like ours, which are contained in the next K(1)P world.
Предишен свят (previous world) – such a word combination doesn't exist in both languages. We suggest that it doesn't exist in any language. But this word combination reflects the truth and it should be imposed in the New cosmic culture on Earth. For us, a Previous world is the Sun. Life, which appeared here on Earth, have exited (and entered here) from the Sun, which has a mathematical definition of K(–1)P. I.e. before it appeared here on Earth, life has developed inside of the Sun and then came out of it. I.e. previous world means previous habitat of life, before it has inhabited Earth. How exactly this happened is drawn on the first cosmic image and is calculated in the Epochal scientific theory “The Unity in the Universe”. For every life, whichever planet it resides on in the “universe”, Previous world is the star, around which it circulates. I.e. all stars in our world are worlds
K(–1)P. -
Every outer world can be visited by speed, by distance and by time:
1. Without going out of the space (volume, scope, capacity) of our world K(0)P, and
2. By exiting from the volume of our world K(0)P.Our great theory already shows possibilities for an exit from our world K(0)P by speed and distance. I.e. by revolutionary development: through flight technologirs and through yoga.
If we want to get out of our world “by time” (time by which we measure the processes now), it will not be a revolutionary way, but an evolutionary one. Even now, we exit “by time” – when people run low of their time of life and they die. Their souls go into a OTHER world.
But in which world? I will explain:
It's suggested that because the souls have approximate size like that of the proton – with extremely low mass (particles not charged with gravitational energy) they can penetrate easily inwards into the Earth (Underground Kingdom of Hades, Hell), and not “the sky” (in the cosmos, on the Heaven, as modern religions claim wrongly). But what is “Hell” or “Heaven” (“Paradise”), we are yet to see.
K(1)P, K(2)P, K(3)P... These are worlds external to us. These are the worlds we will successively exit to when we leave our K(0)P world. World K(2)P is an external world to K(1)P And so on...
The worls called K(–1)P are worlds internal to us, i.e. worlds smaller than our world, i.e. worlds from which life emerges and enters our world. In other word, these are the stars from which life originates in owr world.
Any world denoted by a number less than (–1), for example (–2) is an inner world relative to (–1). Any world denoted by a number less than (–2), for example (–3) or (–4), or (–5)... is an inner world relative to (–2) or (–3), or (–4)... And so on...
We suppose it's Hell, because the souls after death separates from the body and therefore they don't have gravitational (physical) body, which transmits cosmic energy (information) to the souls for development, from which they can't develop through the “instructions” of the Central Gravitational Mass (of the Central Mind) of the Galaxy.
Because the body is a receiving-transmitting antenna for communication with the Central Mind. Without this antenna, the soul does not receiveinformation for development. Therefore, the soul, outside the body, cannot develop the individual and thus remains a static, permannt quantity.
Every stagnation means “chaining”, dependence, slavery, hell. While during above-light speeds and yoga, people free themselves from the gravitational laws of our world K(0)P and receive accelerated, exponential development, and after that also infinite, in comparison to the rest of the individuals without above-light speed. I.e. the lack of development is Hell, and revolutionary development (freedom) is Heaven. Actually, even in our normal everyday life, we experience stagnation or development in the same way – like in the Hell and the Heaven.
Other examples that show the complete chaos of the concepts and their understanding. But this chaos benefits the religions that serve (with few exceptions) state and insidious terrorist authorities (other authorities not exist – all are based on coercion, violence and deception).
We hope that the scientific clarity of the concepts that we reveal will help liberate the thought and economic freedom of the people. This is also the purpose of our work.
Друг(ият) свят [като нашия (свят)] (the Other World [like Our one]) – also with a very unclear meaning. If it's used with the words in the square brackets, it can have a meaning also for he previous world K(–1)P. But other world can be either the Next world K(1)P, or every world K(0)P like our world, which is contained in K(1)P. Just like how it can be every other world, different from our own K(0)P with minus or plus index.
Отвъд(ното) (the Beyond) – the word is in singular, which makes sense just for the only 1 (next) world K(1)P, in which we can transition and in which is positioned our world K(0)P, along with every other 1022 from tipe K(0)P worlds like ours. This word does not reflect truth, because we do not understand which of the two directions of transition is meant – to minus or to plus index.
English words and phrases, which have relation to other worlds, which people should think well before using them:
Another world like our(s) [world(s)] – Other, different, another world like ours
The Other World – Also doesn't specify which one of the type of worlds are meant – K(1)P, K(–1)P or some of the rest 1022 K(0)P worlds like ours
(The) Next World – the world after this one (after we have been in this world or in another one)
That World – this (that) world (only when pointing to a specific world) (ambiguity – it's not understood this or that one). It can be each world, different from our own, but if it's pointed out, it could also be our world.
This World – this (concrete, our, present) world
The Afterlife – life after death (but not interpreted verbatim)
(In) the Hereafter – (in) the Beyond (verbatim – after our residence here, on Earth in some other world)
After (this) World (Afterworld) Beyond (the Beyond) – the word is in singular, which have a double meaning: for a larger or for a smaller world.
Other habitual words and phrases in english, which have relation to other worlds, which people should think well before using them:
The Pit (Pit Hell)
The Underworld
The Infernal regions
The Lower/Nether regions
The Upper regions
The Abyss
The World of the Dead
The Abode of the Damned
Eternal Damnation
The Eternal World
The LowerWorld
It makes a strong impression (we don't know if it does for you, but for us – definitely) that, when it comes to the outer world (it's modern now to be talked about "other dimension"), the word “universe” is not used. It would be funny to be said “beyond the universe”, “in another universe”, “outside the universe” etc. Doesn't the word “universe” express “everything”? And this everything has a synonym of “God”. It would be funny to be said “beyond God”, “in the other God”, “outside God” etc. If someone expresses himself in this way, it would mean that, allegedly, the universe (God) is everything, but not quite, if there is anything else besides it, in which one can go beyond (outside) this current one.
This is why almost everywhere in our scientific language and in english we use the term “world”, by default, as a very small PART of the universe (a very small part of God)...
This verbal Vavilon (mumbl & jumble) in every language enforces new, international (universal) signification and definition of the terms not only above, which universal language is present only in mathematics (as seen), but also in all sciences and fields of life. The common verbal language of the people should already change as well and correct words and phrases should be used, which describe correctly the essence of these occurrences. a5-005d
for transition between different “the Beyond(s)”, between the worlds, outer and inner worlds and their values according to our starting system—our world K(0)P
The numbers 'zero' ,
means Borders or Zones of Transition
or the short representation of the graph:
Clarification: the mathematical sign for multiplication in English is usually “X” or “x”. But it is possible to meet this sign as a dot (.) here, which is characteristic of Bulgarian and other languages, because such languages do not separate the thousands (1,000,000) in numbers with a comma, as in English.
In order for life to migrate from the internal part of the photon to the inside of the proton, i.e. for it to go out of the smaller world “photon” and enter (exit) into the bigger world “proton”, it has to develop a speed >.2.66.104cm/s or (>.2.66X104cm/s), a speed relative to our world. This is a transition from world (photons) to world (protons). By mathematical symbols: Life goes out of the smaller world K(–3)P and migrates to the bigger (next) world K(–2)P. (It's not noted in the scheme above, it should be to the left from the scheme).
- In order for life to migrate from the inside of the proton, which is inside the Sun (stars), i.e. in order for it to go out of the smaller world “proton” and to enter (exit) into the bigger world “Sun” (star), it has to develop the speed of sound >.2.66X106cm/s. This is a transition from world (protons) towards world (stars). By mathematical symbols: Life goes out of the smaller world K(–2)P and migrates into the bigger (next) world K(–1)P.
In order for life to migrate from the inside of the proton inside the stars (Sun) into our world, still called “universe”, it has to develop an electromagnetic speed (of radiowaves and electricity) >.2.66X108cm/s. This is a transition from worlds called “stars” towards our world. By mathematical symbols: life goes out from the smaller world K(–1)P and migrates into the bigger (next) world K(0)P: The World of the Light.
In order for life to come out from our world K(0)P, still called “universe”, to cross the borer
between world K(0)P and world K(+1)P, it has to develop the super-light speed >.2.66X1010cm/s. This is a transition from world (our own world) towards world [outer (next) world]. By mathematical symbols: Life goes out from the smaller (from our world) K(0)P and migrates into the bigger and next world (“next” being the “outer” from our own perspective) K(+1)P [in short: K(1)P].
The Frequency Band of light is too wide, there is a visible but also an invisible spectrum, and when we say “super-light speed” it is not understood exactly what this speed is. Therefore, we will call the speed >.2.66X1010cm/s “Critical Speed” at which revolutionary changes occur in matter. What exactly? Continue to digest our content…
In order for life to come out from world K(1)P, i.e. to cross the border
between world K(1)P and world K(2)P, it has to develop a speed >.2.66X1012cm/s. This from our point of view or from our coordinate reference system (CRS) is a transition from the outer world towards the more-outer world. By mathematical symbols: Life goes out of the smaller K(1)P and migrates into the bigger world K(2)P [next outer world from point of view of world K(1)P], etc.
As we see, the rate indicators of the speeds go up by 2 (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, etc. ...)This is shown schematically on the next image. The ratio between the sizes of the bodies is not real, because it's technically impossible several penetrating worlds one into another to be display on one image. a5-005e
Speeds of 2.66nсm/s for get over the borders between the worlds
– border of transition from one world to a bigger one.
According to the language of the old perception for the name “universe”: – border of transition from one “universe” to another “universe”.
, ... etc. – borders and frequencies that are out of reach (uncontrollable frequencies)
– borderline or critical speeds (borders of critical frequencies) for overcoming of the borders between the worlds – for example: from world (–2) to world (–1); from world (–1) to world (0); from world (0) to world (+1) or (1), from world (1) to world (2), etc. a5-005f
for Homo Sapiens and for Homo Galacticus
According to our scientific discoveries, the natural lifespan for Homo Sapiens is about 1,000 years. Many people all the time from thousands of years ago till now know this fact, but official authority (and in medicine) just keeps silent about this truth, also described pecisely in the
1. Adam makes an offspring until 800 years old and lives to 930 years. (Genesis 5:5) Quotes:
3 And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:
4 and the days of Adam after he begat Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters.
5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.
2. Seth makes an offspring until 807 years old and lives to 912 years (Genesis 5) Quotes:
6 And Seth lived a hundred and five years, and begat Enosh:
7 and Seth lived after he begat Enosh eight hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters:
8 and all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.
3. Enoch makes an offspring until 815 years old and lives to 905 years (Genesis 5) Quotes:
9 And Enosh lived ninety years, and begat Kenan.
10 and Enosh lived after he begat Kenan eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat sons and daughters:
11 and all the days of Enosh were nine hundred and five years: and he died.
4. Kenan makes an offspring until 840 years old and lives to 910 years (Genesis 5) Quotes:
12 And Kenan lived seventy years, and begat Mahalalel:
13 and Kenan lived after he begat Mahalalel eight hundred and forty years, and begat sons and daughters:
14 and all the days of Kenan were nine hundred and ten years: and he died.
5. Mahalalel makes an offspring until 830 years old and lives to 895 years (Genesis 5) Quotes:
15 And Mahalalel lived sixty and five years, and begat Jared:
16 And Mahalalel lived after he begat Jared eight hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters:
17 and all the days of Mahalalel were eight hundred ninety and five years: and he died.
6. Jared makes an offspring until 800 years old and lives to 962 years (Genesis 5) Quotes:
18 And Jared lived a hundred sixty and two years, and begat Enoch:
19 and Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:
20 And all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years: and he died.
7. Enoch (II) makes an offspring until 300 years old and lives to 365 years (Genesis 5) Quotes:
21 And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah:
22 and Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:
23 and all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:
24 and Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
8. Methuselah makes an offspring until 782 years old and lives to 969 years (Genesis 5) Quotes:
25 And Methuselah lived a hundred eighty and seven years, and begat Lamech:
26 and Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat sons and daughters.
27 And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died.
9. Lamech (father of Noah) makes an offspring until 525 years old and lives to 777 years (Genesis 5) Quotes:
28 And Lamech lived a hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son:
30 And Lamech lived after he begat Noah five hundred ninety and five years, and begat sons and daughters:
31 And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died.
10. Noah makes an offspring until 500 years old and lives to 950 years (Genesis 5; 9) Quotes:
5:32. And Noah was five hundred years old: And Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
9:28. And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.
9:29. And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: And he died. a5-005g
1. 7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. (Matthew 7:7, 8)—That is if we ask for immortality, it will be given to us. However, this would only happen if we made an effort to cultivate our thinking and lifestyl and obey the laws of Nature (God). We, here in Bulgaria, can now demand immortality, because we know how it is achieved.
2. For righteousness is immortal... (Wisdom of Solomon 1:15)
For God created man to be immortal, and made him to be an image of his own eternity. (Wisdom of Solomon 2:23)
Nevertheless through envy of the devil came death into the world: and they that do hold of his side do find it. (Wisdom of Solomon 2:24)
3. For though they be punished in the sight of men, yet is their hope full of immortality. (Wisdom of Solomon 3:4)
4 Before man is life and death; and whether him liketh shall be given him. (Ecclesiasticus 15:17)
5. Who didst raise up a dead man from death, and his soul from the place of the dead, by the word of the most High (Ecclesiasticus 48:5)
6. Thy dead shall live; my dead bodies shall arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in the dust; for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast forth the dead. (Isaiah 26:19)
7. And when he was at his last breath, he said, “You accursed wretch, you dismiss us from this present life, but the King of the universe will raise us up to a renewal of everlasting life, because we have died for his laws”. (2 Maccabees 7:9)
8. For if he had not hoped that there would be a resurrection for those who had fallen, then it would have been superfluous and foolish to pray for them. (1 Maccabees 12:44)
9. 15 Yea, we are found false witnesses of God; because we witnessed of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead are not raised.
26 The last enemy that shall be abolished is death.
52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. (I Corinthians 15)
10. 35 but they that are accounted worthy to attain to that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage
36 for neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.
37 But that the dead are raised, even Moses showed, in the place concerning the Bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. (Luke 20)
Old Testament:
11. Genesis 3:19: In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return. (Some interpret this as a description of the cycle of reincarnation.)
12. Psalm 84:2: How lovely are your dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! (Some interpret this as a description of Heaven, where souls go after death.)
13. Ecclesiastes 3:2: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted. (Some interpret this as a description of the cycle of reincarnation.)
14. Isaiah 25:8: He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces; the reproach of his people he will remove from all the earth; for the Lord has spoken. (Some interpret this as a promise of eternal life.)
New Testament:
15. Matthew 22:29: Jesus answered them, 'You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.' (Some interpret this as a description of the Pharisees' ignorance of reincarnation.)
16. Matthew 22:30: For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. (Some interpret this as a description of the spiritual state of souls after death.)
17. John 3:3: Truly, truly, I tell you, unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (Some interpret this as a description of the spiritual rebirth necessary for salvation.)
18. 1 Corinthians 15:51-55: Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. When this corruptible puts on incorruption and this mortal puts on immortality, then the saying that is written will be fulfilled: 'Death is swallowed up in victory.'
When the new biological species Homo Galacticus succeed in passing the speed of light by means of hyper-light speed, he will live
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years – one septillion by SI)
or 1024 years. This is the number one (1) with 24 zeros after it.
Moreover – this duration of life (1024 years) for those people is relevant only for the starting system (departure world), in which they live. Otherwise, their lives continued in each following world with index n+1.
If we take our world K(0)P as a starting system the Homo Galacticus individuals will continue their life in the next world K(+1)P even after these 1024 years, after that also in the next one K(+2)P, etc. ....
Hyper-light speeds are means for transition in the OUTER WORLD (OUTER LIFE).
Most Homo Galacticus individuals currently (2024) already exist on Earth, but they are still in an incomplete, unmanifested form – something like a billet, like raw material. If these individuals do not reach and pass the critical super(hyper)-light speed or if they do not practice the higher degrees of yoga, they will die like all humans of the biological species Homo Sapiens.
However, there is a crucial difference between the death of Homo Sapiens and the death of the unmanifest Homo Galacticus, part of which we will explain now:
Here are some differences between the death of Homo Sapiens (HS) and Homo Galacticus (HG):
1. HS – possesses a soul and does not possess a spirit.
1. HG – possesses a spirit that performs the functions of a soul as well.
2. HS – his physical (gravitational) body and his soul separate forever after death.
2. HG – his physical (gravitational) body and his spirit are never separated and death is only a conditional border of transition to a higher life.
3. HS – his soul without his physical (gravitational) body passes into the Otherworld without leaving the volume of the current gravity world. Most likely his soul is entering the Earth's core... Other scientists suggest that the core of the Earth is Hell, and righteous people return to their original homeland – the Sun. We'll find out soon enough.
3. HG – his “physical” (gravitational) body and his spirit together pass into the OtherWorld, but not into the NetherWorld, but into the Next largest world K(+n)P.
4. HS – If Homo Sapiens individuals pass the critical light speed, they will be annihilate completely. I.e. the HS will die if it moves at super-light speed.
4. HG – If Homo Galacticus individuals (HG) pass several times the critical speed of light, they will become more and more perfect. For example: if a HG individual before his realization is of an advanced age and looks very bad like an old man or has a cut off leg or arm, or is sick with the so-called “incurable” diseases, such an individual after the flight will become completely perfect – without a single disease, without a single defect, the amputated leg or arm will be completely restored and will look like a youth of 25 years old.
4. HS – And so on...
4. HG – And so on...
However, if Homo Galacticus fails to realize and materialize as a new biological species and remains unmanifested, his death will be very strange – his spirit and his “physica” (gravitational) body do not separate even after death (when the “physical” body disintegrates of atoms). Because the spirit keeps around itself the energy body, which is a matrix on which the “physical” body is built. The energy body is a collection of the souls of the cells that made up the “physical” body. Thus, the spirit of Homo Galacticus is never separated from its energy body, and the physical body can be reincarnated (revived) by the matrix by means of superluminal speeds or by an external coercive force.
This is not fiction, nor fantasy, nor scientific hypothesis, nor religion, but just an entirely new science.
Remember the example about the twins, given by Einstein – one travels with the speed of light, and the other remained on Earth. The time for the first brother almost stops, while the second one looks older, so much so that the first brother can't recognize him when he comes back from the space travel. This is because, according to Einstein's theory, time depends on speed – when movement is nearing the speed of light, time slows down. But that is in relation to the speed of light.
Einstein's theory doesn't predict speeds that are higher than that of light's. But here, we see that he makes a big mistake – according to our calculations, there are existing speeds that are infinitely larger than the speed of light and even small speeds, again in the spectrum of light, but critical one, prolonging the life of Homo Galacticus to 1024 years.
Official (formal) “science” like medicine, physics, cosmology, education, ...encourages researches in the wrong direction on purpose. When people understand how easily diseases can be cured and how we can be completely healthy, happy, disease-free and unrestfulness-free and even that Homo Sapiens can live to 1000 years and Homo Galacticus – infinite, then the big abusements for billions of dollars from people's misery will stop and the business of the big owners of pharmacies and hospitals will go bankrupt...
Because of this reason, health, happiness, longevity and immortality are not contained in the chemical composition of our body, and in the free functioning of the cosmic energies in the body-antenna, which catches the space energies and provide them to the soul and the spirit. Although the chemical body as a gravitational mass is powerful enough to suppress the functions of energy interactions or enhance them. But the general conclusion is that our health and happiness depend on the purity of the gravitational body to be a good radio receiver and transmitter of cosmic energies. Instead of that, the official authorities lie to us with dead substances like drugs, cooked and refined food food, poisons like meat, sugar, salt, white flour, etc.
I.e. official (formal) institutions sicken us on purpose, in order for them to take advantage of our misery. Because of this reason, they will never tell us the truth about health, longevity and immortality… In a nutshell: a5-005h
Immortality exists, but not for every person!
Immortality exists only for the higher biological species Homo Galacticus and for the higher Homo Spiritus!
THE SOUL is an Independent Quantum of Life (Female quantum of Life or Female Soul), slightly smaller than the proton and is something like a bio-computer, which subconsciously (intuitively) adjusts the body towards the laws of nature. If we neglect them, the soul gives us signals and if we don't comply with them and don't change our behaviour, we become worse and worse. When we live in controversy with the laws of nature, if we neglect them, despite the signals of the soul, we suffer, our morale and abilities worsen. And when we practice yoga, we clean ourselves and expand our channels for cosmic energy, i.e. expand our consciousness and with that, the soul is feeding way better – we become a good, moralled and healthy person.
There is one more type of Quantum of life – Functional quantum of life or male soul.
THE SPIRIT (Fundamental, Basic, Main, Primary Quantum (Germ) of Life, little less smaller than the proton), creates and develops the gravitational (molecular) life; A conscious instrument of the highest consciousness – finding, researching, reasoning, understanding of unknown laws of nature and their realization, i.e. creates possibilities for their application – i.e. the spirit is an instrument for creative thinking. I.e. the spirit is the highest and the most direct connection (contact) of the human with the laws of nature, a supreme MEDIUM between cosmos and society.
On Earth, there are only around 144,000 men, who possess a spirit (some individuals out of all 144,000 have not yet been born…). The spirit possess (includes) all qualities and functions, which the soul possesses.
Women don't possess a spirit, they only have a soul (independent quantum of life), but they're not gonna suffer for that, since they use (ready, so that it doesn't get in their way ) the spirit of the man… Women possess only a female soul. Without a spirit, progress is unthinkable... Only males, which possess a spirit, will be able to fly with above-light (more-precisely – above-critical...) speeds. Women definitely have to be accompanied by a man (for the first flight with above-light speeds). After that, they can fly with hyper-light speeds alone...
You will find a more detailed description and proofs through the sciences of physics and mathematics in the book of our publishing house: a5-005i
and overcomes the distances between the stars...
From the graph below we can see that when we develop towards the alkaline pole , i.e. to the right on the scale of vibrations, we charge the soul and the spirit with more and cleaner ultra high frequency energy. This is why Hatha Yoga is the most powerful practice for soul and spiritual development. I.e. Yoga is synonymous with soul and spiritual development, and the alkaline development (alkalizing into pCO– or into pole minus
) is a expressed also by the chemical (gravitational) intereactions with pCO–, which is chemical synonym of soul and spiritual development. Unlike pH+, which is chemical synonymous of acid (gravitational) development
What charges each one of the cosmic energies (in blue), see the graph:.
7 energy transformators, which yogis call
Sound waves (frequencies). The chemical structures (molecules in the organism) vibrate with them…
Electromagnetic waves (frequencies). Their carrier are the electrons, which are moving along the nerves.
Light waves (frequencies). Being visible and non-visible light (visible and non-visible photons). They permeate through/in all transparent and semi-transparent structures of the body – nails, tendons, joints, cartilage, fascia, bones, nerves, eyes… All following vibrations (in blue) spread themselves through the same channels, but for them there's additional channels, called by the yogi “NADIS”.
✔️From here hyper-light speeds begin ,
Gravitational waves (frequencies). They define the stability of the "material" bodies. Some big masters of martial arts use specific points of crossing of these waves in the body, in order to bring down the enemies from a distance...
Bio-waves (frequencies). That is the energy of IMMUNITY. Official (formal) medicine limits itself only in the chemical indicators for immunity (antibodies, chemical reactions etc.), which are a consequence of immune energy. I.e. like in most cases, formal “medicine” doesn't influence the root cause for diseases (lack of immune energy), but tries (like we see – without a result) to point out only chemical indicators. And even then, it only intrudes them to us without understanding them and influencing them.
If we have enough of this energy, we would never fall ill from external pests (bacteria, viruses, insects...). Now, people and their false mentor [formal “medicine”] do everything possible to stop this energy through unnatural way of life i.e. to fall ill. Instead of cleansing and harmonic development (yoga), they stuff themselves with various prescription drugs and procedures for temporary effect, which additionaly pollutes the organism with artificial, dead substances, which don't have vital energy from the highest frequencies (in blue), i.e. they destroy immunity and life…
Waves (frequencies) of the SOUL. Accordingly they charge the soul.
Waves (frequencies) of the SPIRIT. Accordingly they charge the spirit.
According to Asian medicine, the channels for cosmic energy are called
MERIDIANS, and according to Yoga – NADIS:
The scientific discoveries for these frequencies are made by a bulgarian scientist who didn't know anything about yoga and its SEVEN CHAKRAS.
I.e. our science has proven that yoga is a cosmic product of a more advanced civilization (terrestial or extraterrestial), still unknown to history, but soon, we will understand…
All of this is calculated in the book of our publishing hous:
The science of Yoga accepts the REINCARNATION as a natural gift. But modern religions like christianity throw out the ancient texts, describing the Rebirth from their official writings. This happens with the help of something like a 'PARTY VOTING' ( 🙂 ) of some “Great” Church Council, where the existing texts (facts) for the Rebirth were thrown out from the Bible. Formal science is baed on this swindle and runs from this theme. Instead of that, unofficial science, i.e. normal science (our autentic science), is not afraid not only to explore this problem through physics and mathematics, but also to solve it forever. Here's how: a5-006
Plato — Galileo — Einstein
are the one and the same person which is proven by our sciences mathematics and physics:
– Life in Our World, the World of he Light;
– Life in the Netherworld (Underworld, World of the Dead);
t = 0 – beginning of the New Era (after Christ).
x0 – Beginning as Homo Sapiens;
x0 – x1 – Black race interval;
x1 – x2 – Yellow race interval;
x2 – x3 – White race interval.
From x3 onwards (to the right) will be the next interval, called Homo Galacticus. Einstein can no longer be reborn as Homo Sapiens, because his energy body already cannot be disintegrated, because he has already completed his gravitational evolution. He can be reborn only as a Homo Galacticus. When we make flight apparatus for above-light speed (which could have happened before 25 years (now we are 2024), if society was normal), we will separate a place in those flight apparatuses for a lot of deceased people like Einstein. And, when we, along with them, overcome the speed of light, they, along with Einstein, will go back to Earth alive, with a young gravitational, immortal body and with superhuman abilities called by yogis “siddhis” (see how this is described in the Bible).
Einstein has lived las a black person (from the black race) with three sub-races, beginning from year a8:
a8 = – 149,088,882; a7 = – 23,625,767; a6 = – 3,742,547.
Like a yellow person (from the yellow race) with three sub-races, beginning from year a5:
a5 = – 591,482; a4 = – 92,106; a3 = – 12,965.
Like a white man (from the white race) with three sub-races, beginning from year a2:
a2 = – 427 as Plato; a1 = 1,564 as Galileo; a0 = 1,879 as Einstein.
a2 = –427 – year of birth.
Plato is a founder of the Athens Academy, the first institution for higher education in Europe. Main sciences for Plato are philosophy, metaphysics and mathematics. But the last two are not well known to our contemporaries. And exactly in those sciences, he displays his innovative original mind and exactly here is where he makes progress. Along with his teacher, Socrates and his most famous student, Aristotle, Plato puts the foundations of the West philosophy and science. Along with being a foundational figure for the european science, philosophy, metaphysics and mathematics, Plato also is cited as on of the founders of the european religion and spirituality.
a1 = +1,564 – year of birth.
Galileo is an italian encyclopedist: Astronome, physician, engineer, philosopher and mathematician, he plays an important role in the scientific revolution of ХVII century. He is called “father of the observatory astronomy”, “father of modern physics”, “father of the scientific method” and “father of sciences”. His contribution towards the observatory astronomy include the confirmation of the phases of Venus with a telescope, the discovering of the four biggest satellites of Jupiter (named the Galilei satellites in his honor), as well as the observation and analysis of the solar spots. Galilei has also worked in the applied sciences and technologies, he has also invented military compas and a lot of other tools.
a0 = +1,879 – year of birth.
Einstein develops the General Relativity (Theory), one of the two pillars of modern physics (along with Quantum mechanics). Einstein is most famous in the popular culture with his formula for the mass and the energy E.=.mc02 (called “the most, most famous equasion”). He gains a Nobel price for physics in 1921 for his contribution towards theoretical physics and especially for the discovery of “Photoelectric effect” – a key step in the evolution of the Quantum Theory. Until the beginning of his carier, Einstein thinks that Newton's mechanics has not lived long enough to reconcile the laws of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. This pushes him to develop his Special Relativity (Theory).
Einstein understands, however, that his discovery “Principle of Equivalence” can also be applied to the gravitational fields and with his following “Theory of Gravitation” in 1916, he publishes the book “General Relativity”. He continues to indulge himself in the problems of “Statistical Mechanics” and “Quantum Theory”, which lead to his “Theory of Particles” and “Movement of the Molecules”. He also studies the thermal properties of light, which lay foundations for the “Theory of the Photon Light”.
This review of the work of these three scientists shows the continuity of each next one of them – exactly there, where one completes his research, the next one continues onwards. I.e. this shows that memory is preserved in the next reincarnations subconsciously.
Formula for calculating the reincarnations:
an in n year back in time before the New Era (before Christ).
a0 is the year with mathematic upward progression (extremum) against which it is determined an.
q is the quotient of the geometric progression.
b0 is the step of the geometric progression. b0 is the minimal difference, which can exist between the incarnations in our world of two neigbour-by-time individuals, occured from one and the same quantum of life. The formula is valid for every person, except for that person, for who his reincarnation is first like Homo Sapiens...
During given conditions (at overcoming the critical speed of light and returning on the Earth to the ordinary state of personality or by raja yoga practices...), people as Einstein will appear again with material body, but as a Superhuman, Galactic Human (Homo Galacticus) with superhuman Primary Quantum of Life and superhuman energetic body. This applies to all other human individuals with a Primary Quantum of Life, who are passed away. In this case, people don't need a sperm and an egg for fertilization, since they don't have to build energetic bodies, because they already have them. People with Primary Quantum of Life, which have already passed away and already have superhuman energetic bodies, wait for the moment, when they will materialize (they will be resurrected from the dead, they will appear again).
1. Before man there is both life and death; and whatever he loves, it will be given to him. (Ecclesiasticus 15:17)
2. He who can wrest a dead man from death, and his soul from the place of the dead, by the word of the Most High, he is a supreme mind. (Ecclesiasticus 48:5)
3. The dead shall live; my dead bodies will rise. Awake and sing for joy, you who inhabit the dust. (Isaiah 26:19)
4. ...but the King of the world will raise us also, who die for the sake of his laws, in the Resurrection of the Eternal Life. (2 Maccabees 7:9)
5. For if he had not hoped that those who were slain would rise again, it would have been superfluous and vain to pray for the dead... (2 Maccabees 12:44)
6. ...or they will no longer be able to die, because they are equal to the angels, and are children of God, being sons of the Resurrection. (Luke 20:36)
7. 26. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
52. In a moment, the last trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall rise incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53. Therefore the corruptible shall put on incorruption, and the mortal shall put on immortality. (I Corinthians 15)
If you buy the book
you will learn more about all Reincarnations of Newton, who is our contemporary.
But who is he?...
Along with the star Proxima, the star Sirius is the closest star to Earth. It's located in the constellation Canis Major, and is far from the center of our Galaxy. This center is located in the constellation Sagittarius. When we talk about Sirius, we must never forget that this is a double star – the system Sirius-A and Sirius-B, i.e. it's a star system of two connected stars.
Along with the star Proxima, the star Sirius is the closest star to Earth. It's located in the constellation Canis Major, and is far from the center of our Galaxy. This center is located in the constellation Sagittarius. When we talk about Sirius, we must never forget that this is a double star – the system Sirius-A and Sirius-B, i.e. it's a star system of two connected stars.
Many legends (modern and ancient) say that Earth's civilization is associated with the Sirius system. There are suggestions that:
1. We are a product of Sirius;
2. We came from there;
3. Our Sirius gods are currently controlling us or at least influencing us with their powerful radio emissions.
In our opinion, there is certainly something true, but it is not one of the above 3 assumptions. Most likely, the civilization that was on Sirius left the star, and not just any star, namely Sirius-B, before it swelled to a red giant, shrank and became a white dwarf, as it is in the moment. We assume that the Sirius System is in a more distant orbit around the core of our Galaxy relative to our orbit, and therefore Sirius-B completed its development earlier than our Sun. That's why the two civilizations around Sirius-B left it before Sirius-B became a red giant, and maybe the two civilizations from there passed from here. And Sirius-A was created long after that, and that's why it's still so big, bright and young.
Which were the two civilizations?
As with us, one civilization was of the species Homo sapiens, the other – Homo Galacticus. But there is still no evidence as to whether both civilizations passed from here at the same time or, given the superluminal speeds at which Homo Galacticus moves, it may have come here long before Homo sapiens.
We know about the divine abilities of Zeus from Greek mythology and that he is IMMORTAL. And this applies to all the Olympian gods. These “gods” were precisely individuals from Homo Galacticus who overcame the speed of light, and that is why they received superpowers that our Earth species Homo Galacticus will receive in the same way by overcoming the speed of light.
HERCULES is a hybrid (crossbreed) between Homo Galacticus (the immortal Zeus) and Homo Sapinens (the mortal Alcmene, inhabitant of the Earth). When Hercules died, Zeus put him on the spaceship and after flying at super-light speed, Hercules not only resurrected, but also became a god, i.e. Hercules became the immortal Homo Galacticus, which we claim the “dead will rise” at super-light speeds.
As you can see, these are not at all legends, but completely probable events. The ancients could not have been as vicious as we are now to invent disinforming nonsense, and in such a huge amount. At that time, the wealth of the people was not as great as it is now, so that the rulers could afford to pay so many criminals to falsify facts and invent nonsense or to invent such complex and incomprehensible for children tales for falling asleep.
Later, however, when the Olympic gods (the individuals of Homo Galacticus) had done their job of procuring raw materials, explored the Earth's natural conditions, and rested here, they flew away forever, reporting the situation to their relatives (Homo Sapiens). They, not after a long time, arrived here. It was they who, according to the Bible, began to interbreed with earthly women. Since then, there have been preserved giant skeletons, and we assume that these are the giants mentioned in both the Bible and Greek mythology, and this is also present in all religions older than Christianity.
Click the image to see more!
From what species (new or old) these giants were, we have not yet thought about. Here we do not aim to prove exactly what happened or when and how it happened, but only to give a true direction to other researchers after us with indication of the presence of Homo Galacticus. You see that our scientific discoveries are a prerequisite for unraveling all the secrets of the history and future of Mankind.
No wonder JESUS CHRIST is a cross between the alien immortal man Homo Galacticus, his Father and the earthly mortal Mary. And after he was crucified and died, his father took him on a spaceship at superlight speed and brings him back. Thus we can explain his resurrection, as well as all the miracles he performed, as happened with Hercules.
And if Christ reappears, his second coming to Earth will prove my above statement about his connection with Homo Galacticus.
The Bronze Rosette from the Bulgarian capital Pliska, 9th century.
When we discovered the basic algorithm of development, the TRINITY, we did not assume how it related to Yoga and its laws. This happened back in 1992. But only a few days ago (March 2021), when I was writing these lines, I stared at the symbols of an artifact found in our ancient Bulgarian capital – Pliska. And this is the rosette with 7 rays. You see to the left that it shows 4 signs similar to our sign of the trinity.
Bulgarian scientists have deciphered the the pronouncing, the articulation of the voice of the signs on the rosette, but have not been able to understand their meaning. I.e. the meaning of the signs remained unknown. To the right you see both sides of the rosette. Look carefully at the sign in the middle of the first picture. According to scientists, this was a sign of the God of the Bulgarians – Tangra. However, nowhere in the scriptures is there any evidence that Bulgarians bow, worship or listen to any God. Below we will explain what “Tangra” is.
Around 1995, our colleagues from the Bulgarian Yoga Federation (national sports organization) brought the rosette to an ashram in India (click on the photo on the left to enlarge it). They showed the rosette to the chief guru at the time. We do not remember his name, but he is world famous. And he called the names of the signs and explained their meaning. According to him, the rosette showed the SEVEN CHAKRAS – the energy centers in the human body, distributing in it the entire range of cosmic energies (see above what are the chakras). These chakras are the basis of the doctrine of man's energy dependence on the cosmos.
The guru said that the signs are from a much older script than Sanskrit (the language of the yogis and their writings on yoga – Vedas: Rigveda, Atharvaveda, Samaveda and Yajurveda; Upanishads, etc.) was known long before the Indian sage Patañjali systematized Yoga into a science in the 6th century BC. This shows that the science of yoga was not invented or discovered by the hindus, but much longer ago.
Even in the Bhagavat Gita, there is talk of the Bulhikis, who have more than once helped the hindus in battles and talk about their magnificent cavalry. Without them, the hindus would be defeated. Moreover, the mythical hero of India – Ardjuna, who took part in these battles with the Bulhikis and the main character in the Bhagavad Gita, was probably trained, if not by a man of the Homo Galacticus species, who came from Sirius or elsewhere, then at least by the Bulhikis. I.e. it is much more likely that the Bulgarians handed over Yoga to the hindus. And this is what many of our researchers claim, but I am not familiar with the details.
Whatever the truth about the origins of Yoga, we must be grateful to the Indian people, who are the only ones in the world who have managed to preserve and develop to this day this great cosmic science of Yoga.
That is, Yoga is given perhaps not only to the Indians, but to almost all nations who have been pure enough and close to Nature and not at the same time so that the aliens can trust them and give them such a powerful weapon for development and protection from diseases and enemies. Because Yoga is the first science on Earth, from which all sciences originate, i.e. Yoga is a syncretic, common mother of all sciences. Many other ancient nations such as the Thracians, Chinese, Japanese, Chaldeans, Sumerians, Etruscans, Vikings, Aborigines, and Indians in North and South America had such syncretic science. The so-called Bulgarian God “Tangra” is nothing but the name of such a syncretic science as Yoga. You see the symbol of God Tangra (IYI) on other Bulgarian artifacts.
The scriptures of the Mahabharata and others (for Gilgamesh…) of the Sumerians, according to new research, were not written by them, but by the Kuti tribe, who are Bulgarians (KutiGuri). So the Bulgarians in all probability (in the process of full proof) are (one of) the first to receive space knowledge from aliens of the species Homo Galacticus.a6 Some of our Bulgarian researchers even claim that it is the Bulgarians who are the creators of the White Civilization of Earth. But this is not a subject of our research.
According to our world-famous prophetess Vanga, this book will be
“The time of MIRACLES will come and SCIENCE will make GREAT discoveries in the realm of the immateriality.”
(Vanga 1988)
“And I saw a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW WINTER because the first heaven and the first Earth had passed away.”
(Bible, John, 21:1)
“...we are looking for a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH in which there is righteousness.”
(Bible, 2 Peter 3:13)
“But in that day the Earth shall be replaced by another Earth, and the Heavens by other Heavens.”
(Quran, Sura 14 (Ibrahim) Ayat 48)
Every single word of these sentences is true and they will become reality. But only this scientific theory provides both explanations and tools for this to happen in reality.
This is the beginning of a NEW EPOCH which will be an EPOCH OF THE EPOCHS!
No, this is not another new religion or new authoritative promises of official institutions. It is just the most revolutionary scientific theory on Earth of all time (past and future)...