Page 2 - AIDS — The Death Sentence is Overturned
P. 2

Dr Stefan Lanka

                        AIDS-critics;   Viral fear racket

           See below as links: Dr. Karl Krafeld;   Jim West

                              Anti-Vaxxer Biologist Stefan Lanka

                              Bets Over $100K Measles Isn’t A Virus;

           He Wins In German Federal Supreme Court (see the link below)

        By prophylactic vaccination of adults and especially children against mea-

        sles, the pharmaceutical industry has earned Billions over a 40-year pe-

        riod. The judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed

        in a recent ruling that measles virus do not exist though. Furthermore:

        There is not a single scientific study in the world which could prove the

        existence of such virus so far. This raises the question of what was actu-

        ally injected into millions of German citizens over the past decades. Ac-
        cording to the judgment by the Supreme Court, it may not have been a

        vaccine against measles.

        AIDS-HIV-Vaccination — Dr. Stefan Lanka and Karl Kra-

        feld (Germany) UPDATE 2009-2010-2011

        [2009] An open letter to Professor John Oxford, world renowned

        influenza virologist
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